
I think maybe expressing my be the best thing for me if it works obviously I will try natural breastfeeding first thank you ladies :) x

Hey hun

Im breastfeeding my LO...shes just over 8 weeks and Im loving was hard work to start with but worth the extra work.

Ive started to express a little bit to get her used to a bottle and also to allow OH to have a go but I am finding it hard to express more than 1 or 2 ounces at a time which is not enough for a full feed, so if I wanted to exclusively express I think Id be sat with the expresser on me full time lol...............thats only my experience though and other people may have different. The other thing with expressing fulltime is having to steralise everything too, all sounds too much like hard work to me lol....but again only my thoughts :)

Best of luck whichever route you take xx
I'm the same as smith, really can't seem to express much either, it's too painful and takes to long, I end up getting peed off! Kynon is 6 weeks and although I love feeding him and the closeness, it's really hard work and a massive commitment, I feel like I permanently have him strapped to my boob! Everyone says it gets easier if you can get through the first 6 weeks so I hope that's right! My daughter was much less demanding but I was 15 years younger so not sure if that's why or if boys are hungrier and more needy! Nobody really tells you how sore and tiring it can be either but if your prepared for that it helps! I just see it as an extension of being pregnant and all those aches, pains and tiredness you have you put up with to give the best for your little one. Definitely give it a go then see what works best for you and your baby, they are all different and so are we, just keep an open mind and see what happens xx
Thank you deffinatly given me something to think about, I think im going to have to mke the decision once the baby is here one more question if anyone knows do you get more milk when expressing with an electric pump when I have been reading diffrent reviews this seems to be the case but wondered if anyone had any experiance of this? thanks in advance ladies you've all been really really helpful xx
You can solely express, but milk will dry up quicker. You can't trick boobs into thinking a pump is LO for too long. My friends milk dried up after 8 days with solely pumping, but some people do go on longer that though, obviously it all varies person to person.
I'm using an electric pump, don't think you get anymore milk though just don't need to pump it! I think the baby's saliva sends messages to your body about what milk is required so that might be why it's hard to solely pump. I had a good read on this site it's American but interesting, it's breast feeding biased though!
I'm planning to breast feed again too. Had a great experience with the first little man so hoping that little lady will take after her big brother. I agree, the first 6 weeks are the toughest, but after that it's so much easier:)
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I breastfed my dd and am definitely planning on bf again! It's brilliant, you don't need to spend time in the middle of the night preparing formula and it helps you to get back into shape too! If you do decide that you'd like to give it a go I would say so in your birth notes and try to get skin to skin contact with baby as soon after birth as possible, after baby has been weighed etc etc. Also get as much help and guidance with bf from your midwife as possible when baby is born.

If you're planning on expressing before each time you go out so that you can have a bottle with you, you may find it quite time consuming. I also dreaded bf in public in the early days. A health visitor recommended getting a breastfeeding cover which I did, they're fantastic - they keep you very well covered so there's no risk of flashing anything to anyone and I found it gave me lots more confidence. I didn't need to wear expensive nursing tops or vests day after day either which was such a relief! You can see some online if you google:

Peekabooboo breastfeeding covers
Thanks I will have a look at that tomorrow I'm on my phone at the moment, IV just watched a documentary on breast feeding and that put me off even more. Think I'm going to try it and see how I get on x
when my mum was pregnant with my lil sis, i remember she always said it was really painful :s

im planning on breastfeeding. waaaay in the future though! another 7-8 months to go! lol

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