Braxton Hicks in lower back?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I usually have quite a lot of Braxton hicks in a day (like probably 10 to 12) but today I have noticed that they seem to all be in my lower back, and I've probably had about 20 today..

I don't even know if they are actually bhs but it feels similar.. like imagine the tighten feeling you get acRoss your tummy but all across my lower back. No idea what's changed, maybe baby has moved so they are feeling different?

Anybody else get this or just my body being a weirdo?

OH is freaking out as at our antenatal the midwife said that some ladies feel contractions in their back so I have been ushered into the bath (which is where I'm posting from haha) because in his mind that will stop me going into labour - bless!
I don't think they are braxton hicks huni ?!

Braxton hicks should be felt across ur bump.... I'd google it and then ring the mw to check! X
Oh dear Google really did nothing to reassure me!

I think I'm gonna see if it eases off tonight and then give midwife a ring in the morning if I'm still having them x
Try timing them if they are they should get closer , you can get a app on your phone you just press when having one and it track it for you x
Braxtin hicks can be anywhere labour can, including ur back.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Make sure your drinnking plenty of water too as that can cause you to get more..hope your feeling better hun x
Just got home from the delivery suite - the tightenings started coming every 4 minutes & lasting about 45 seconds so I was properly panicking! But speculum was done and they think I just have an irritated uterus from where my plug is coming away...

So sent home with paracetamol & told to call if they get any closer together or more painful.

Very tired now though x
Ahhh how scarey and exciting ... Hope your feeling better today x
Hope you managed to get some sleep last night and rest up and that tightening have calmed down x
Hey girlies, they finally eased off at 6am this morning.

I tell you what though I am now terrified of labour, they were starting to hurt so much I was genuinely thinking about texting HopesDreams to start my labour thread haha!

If that's just what practice contractions are like I'm going to be well and truly useless when it comes to the real thing. Although even the hospital thought I was in labour before the speculum as I had the monitors on and obviously the pressure monitor was going from 6 or 7 to over 60 and little mans heartrate was rising from 140 to about 180!

Really scary..
Ouchyyy, they have started again :(

This well and truly sucks! Its not even like latent phase so its completely pointless pain :(
Yeah roughly every 12 minutes or so, no idea what's going on :(
Omg that sounds like the beginning of labour to me! Mine tarted every half hour, then got closer to every ten mins, Nd were like that for a few days. Cervix stayed at 2cm for 4 days.

I'd ring the mw again and ask to go and get checked x

And what did we say about our babies competing?! Haha x I had these exact contractions but line only lasted a few hours, but my mw said if it happens again I'd need to go in and be seen as braxton hicks do not come in regular patterns, therefore they are proper contractions and a signal of labour! X
I think I'm gonna have to go get checked again, I really can't believe that these aren't the start of things they are so strong and don't feel like Braxton hicks atall anymore.

I'm gonna give her a ring & see if she can check me again x
She basically said that it does sound like latent phase and sent me a leaflet via email.. it says

".. in some women it may last several days or sometimes even weeks. Some women feel backache or cramps during this phase. Some women have bouts of contractions lasting a few hours which then stop and start up again the next day. This is normal. Remember - the latent phase can last a very long time, especially for first time mums.... Many women find that having a vaginal examination during latent phase may stop contractions for a few hours"

Yay for me :(
A sweep started mine off and it lasted 5 days, but I was overdue anyway. Can't understand why they don't get u down there to get checked over tho, unless they think it's ok cuz ur almost 36 weeks? So maybe it's ok for things to start now?

Ah huni I hope they go away! Xxxx
(Or baby comes!) haha x
They are a right pain in the arse your hosp Sara :(
Never like u going there do they!!

Hows the pains now?? xxx

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