
The books by Torey Hayden are very good, she is teacher that specialises in special needs and her books are all true stories.

also it's not a true story but it could be is the book 'Trust Me' by Lesley Pearce which is about the child migration to Australia.

If you like Historical novels that are fiction with some fact mixed in then try Phillippa Gregory, I am hooked on them. some of the titles are: The other Boleyn Girl, Wideacre, the favoured child.

I read anything and everything but keep running out over here so wait for the tourist season to start and then beg and borrow books from the tourists, one day I will open a book exchange, oooh my ideal job!!!!
tuck said:
The books by Torey Hayden are very good, she is teacher that specialises in special needs and her books are all true stories.

I read Ghost Girl last year which was good. I'll have to have a look out for more.
happy_chick said:
Stuarts paperback book is out this week and he said its only £3 so bargain for u there!! He's just writing his next one called finding stuart.

He's set up a charity called safe (which i designed the website for):

Oh I'll wait for it then, but I will def get it.
Great site by the way!
I can recommend 'The Time Travellers Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger

its an amazing read!

Also, I love all the Marian Keyes books or Sophie Kinsella for a bit of an easy light chick lit.

hope you find one

Funky lady wrote

I can recommend 'The Time Travellers Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger

its an amazing read!

I read this and I kept getting sooo confused, once I got the gist though it was really good
I like horror novels. Into Richard Laymon books atm. They can be shocking in a sick & twisted way but I like them :? . I used to read a lot of Stephen King but I find he drones on a bit now :sleep: . his books have always been very descriptive but theres only so many ways you can described a raindrop :lol: and I've gotten to inpatient nowadays LOL.
I used to like Stephen King but like you Skairdykat I have gone right off him, the last one I tried but couldnt finish was 'dreamcatcher', thought it was a bit sick even for him! :puke:

I also LOVE the Harry Potter books!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer:
tuck said:

I also LOVE the Harry Potter books!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Me too!!
My OH finally got me reading them last year. I hated 'goblet of fire' the film as they left so much out. I also need to read half blood prince again as I can't remember half of it..................although I do remember the important bit! :cry:
i've read too books so far, since i've been pregnant on my forth and fifth book

they are really good as well, all true life story, i love books like that...they are

Ugly- read that one in a weeks and Behind close doors i read in two days

the ones i'm reading now are

Don't tell mummy and silent sisters

i would def recommend the 1st two...
happy_chick said:
I love Martina Coles book, I just cant put em down! x

oh gosh my mum just loves them.. she's read them allll
Some of the books that stick in my head as being good are:
The Lovely Bones
The Time Travellers Wife (a bit complicated but really interesting)
The Island (Victoria Hislop) - really good!
The Night Watch (Sarah Waters) although a bit lesbiany graphicy in places!
oooh yeah the lovely bones is very good, i read that last year its sad though.
I can thoroughly recommend anything by Jodi Picoult, most of her books have a disturbing theme like child abuse but the way she tackles dealing with it from all people's perspective (including the child, the parents, the law, etc) is really really good. Always thunder through her books and my early nights get earlier and earlier when I'm reading one of her books!
The 5 People you meet in Heaven was good too. Its about a man who is killed whilst repairing a ride on a pier and in his heaven he meets the 5 people who influenced his life without him knowing.
Misslarue said:
neeko_1 said:
Ugly- read that one in a weeks

I read that a few months back.............her mum was such an evil b1tch :twisted:

i know that book was so deep... i really coud not put down... just to think stuff like that happens behind close doors :x

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