Anyone reading any good books????


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi Ladies, :wave:

Well as I'm near enough home bound because of bad back my friends and family have brought me loads of books...just wondering if anyone is reading any other good books at the mo....I'm reading Daniella Westbrook's - the other side of nowhere at the minute...its a really good read. I think I have been brought about 20 different books...would have read them all by now if I didn't spend so many hours on here.....I'm addicted....LOVE IT....
Here's hoping this finds you all well, healthy and happy....
:hug: xxxxx
Hey thanks for that littleminx...just read the thread...don't have any of the books mentioned but will be getting them and having a read..some of them sound awesome...
I love anything by Jodi Picoult, they are all thought provoking, and usually focussed in something contraversial:

My sisters keeper - is about a girl who is born to help her sister survive, her sister is very ill (i can't remember what exactly, i think leukemia?) and the sister has to donate stem cells just after she is born, then sues her parents when she is older to get her life back in her own control, to prevent donating one of her organs to her sister (kidney or bone marrow) sorry the smaller details are vague - Absolutely brilliant book, couldn't it down!

The Pact - Is about a teenage couple who have a sexual relationship, they make a suicide pact but only the girl dies, and the boyfriend is arrested on suspicion of murder/ manslaughter - Again fabulous!

Salem Falls - A school teacher is released from prison after being convicted of sexually assaulting a pupil, ad arrives in Salem Falls in a hope of building a new life, a group of school girls who practise witchcraft take a liking to him and set him up as a 'reoffender' - the story is all about is past, present and future! It fantatsic!

I woud offer to send you them, but I have passed them round to everyone i know - friends & family and have no idea who has them now..... think you can pick them up in asda for about £4 each or something though.
I read a Jodi Piccoult 'Plain truth' about the Amish community, it was pretty good.
I've never read anything by her but will now, they sound brilliant :D
i can make you thin... by paul mckenna..... and god its good. lol. its not a diet, but a new way of thinking and i strongly reccomend it to anyone NOT pregnant trying to lose weight. It basically changes the way you think about food, how fast you eat so you get fuller quicker etc. you can eat what you want, as long as you eat it slowly, like a mouthful then put your fork down, then some more. You will find that if you eat slow enough you cant finish the normal portion you'd be used to, and to also before you eat drink a pint of water or squash, even if you dont want to. Its a great book, and comes with a cd too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm reading Primal Fear (the film had Richard Gere in it) I haven't seen the film but the book is pretty good so far, I'm only about 30 pages in though.

I always have to have a book on the go.
i have just finished sharon osbournes book. it was fantastic.

melanie did you loose weight with the paul mckenna book. i have got it but ive only listened to the cd once. you need to listen to it on a regular basis dont you.
My favorite books of this year have been by Paullina Simmons, read 'Girl in Times Square' frist which was brilliant then i read two more of her novels which are the first two parts of a three part story, 'The Bronze Horseman' and 'Alexander and Tatiana' third book is called 'The Summer Garden' but isnt out yet. Author Cecelia Ahern is one of my favs and also 'Suzannes Diary for Nicholas' by James Patterson. Also good girly reads are Veronica Henry, bit raunchy! :)
Everyone is gonna groan now.....

But I read Jodie Marsh's autobiography a while back, just because I wanted to see what she said for herself and find out more about her after her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother.

I actually really enjoyed it, it was quite an addictive read! Jordans books are good too, I love autobiographies, I must read Sharon Osbournes soon been meaning to read that for ages!
I only just got it but my mom has lost over a stone on it in a month. read the book twice, dnt even worry about the cd, it may help but my momn just follows the book so.. who knows. try it :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am reading Virgina Andrews,Heaven and the whole series after that,love these stupid Amreican saga's.

On a higher more intellectual note I have just read a book by Paul Cicero must be hormones coz I have forgotten title :x


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