Sorry if this is TMI but I need some advice! I have just gotten back from the doctors and found out I am 7/8 weeks pregnant after thinking I was only 5! I made an appointment as yesterday I noticed some blood when I wiped after going to the toilet. I put on a pad but nothing was even seen, there was only a dark red blood when wiped. I went to the hospital right away but they said they couldn't help me and sent me home. From about 8pm last night until 1pm today I had nothing when I wiped so thought it was over. However again at 1 there was some more blood. This time there was a lot less and it was very dark red and it now a very dark brown so is old blood. I went to the hospital for a second time but was told again they couldn't help me! So to put my mind at rest I've just been to my GP.She has booked me a scan for tomorrow but have been told it could be normal or the early signs of a miscarriage. I am in no pain and have had no cramps and she told me my stomach feels fine. So I am still worrying over what is happening and I know that hopefully tomorrow I should find out what is going on however I was wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar? Bleeding is scary but it is mostly brown old blood, not showing on a pad and I'm not in pain. Obviously im trying to look on the bright side!