Bleeding brown blood


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Hi can anybody help,
I am 8 wkd pregnant and up until yesterday I bled brown blood but only when I wiped for 7 days straight. I've had no pain, breasts are still quite sore and have had nausea for the past 4 days. I am worried sick as I had a miscarriage earlier this year, although I never hadany brown discharge or brown blood, it was red from the start. Any advice would be truly grateful.
I have no personal experience of it, but from reading on here it seems that brown blood means it's old blood, so nothing to worry about. If it's bright red then it's new and should get in touch with midwife, but if you're concerned, get in touch with midwife anyway and they will be able to reassure you x

I keep seeing posts about old blood, which makes me feel a little better. Guess I'll just see how things go over the next few days.
Thank you
hey alimay, i had a little brown blood a when i wiped when i was around 6 weeks.. the first time it happenedi was the day of my scan so i was able to ask while i was there, i was told that aslong as it was just spotting, and wasn't red, that everything should be ok :) she said that it is usually dry blood from your cervix. ive now had another scan which showed baby is fine so far and the little heart is beating away, and no more spotting :) good luck, im sure you'll be fine xxx
thanks for the words it makes me feel much better. I'll have to see how things go and hope for the best. Good luck with your pregnancy xxx

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