
I'll trim it down, and only have very short hair around the *ahem* lips, and keep the beetle bonnet smooth :) x

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hey girlies

i really dont care who delivers my baby male/female whatever as long as he arrives safe and sound thats all that counts :)

as for the lady garden, i shaved mine a few days before dd last time as i always shave it and never had any pain with it when it was growing back :) think it just depends on how you react to shaving the lady bits normally, i will be doing it again as i wanna be nice n neat for the birth lol :) xx
I honestly don't mind about the male thing. My midwife is male (meeting him tomorrow! Very excited!) and to be honest it interests me more than puts me off. As long as they are good at their job I am happy.

Lady garden situ...well I go for waxing every 5 weeks anyway so just going to keep that up and hopefully will have it done just before baby is due.
I wouldn't feel comfortable with a male mw but don't mind male consultants if needed (touch wood).
I like my main carer to be female xx
Couldn't care less! They are doing a job and I wouldn't imagine they care whether you are hairy or neat and tidy, as long as you are hygienic! I has both my internal scans done by male sonographers, and I have had smear tests done by males too.
As for my husband, he wouldn't care either, he knows they are doing a job and what different does it make if the doctor is male or female? They're doing the same job and looking at the same bits!
I dont think id be too fussed about having a male as long as there was a female present just for my peice of mind and not because i think hes gonna try anything.
Where i work all the gynae consultants are men and i think they can be more sensitive then women..
I didn't give 2 hoots about the state of lady garden during labour. I was loosing my plug which was quite bloody anyway-Remember they've seen it all before! Nothing dignified about labour!
I have no problem either, as long as they know what they are doing!

My first scan was a tv scan and it was an old man :lol:

OH was there and never batted an eyelid!
That makes me think of how my male patients feel when I have to look down their thingy :lol:
I honestly don't mind about the male thing. My midwife is male (meeting him tomorrow! Very excited!) and to be honest it interests me more than puts me off. As long as they are good at their job I am happy.

Lady garden situ...well I go for waxing every 5 weeks anyway so just going to keep that up and hopefully will have it done just before baby is due.

You must be the lady I was thinking of, I knew there was someone on here with a male midwife!

I'll be very interested to hear how you get on!

I'd be excited too if my midwife was a fella (not sure why??)

That makes me think of how my male patients feel when I have to look down their thingy :lol:

Lol my husband and I went for a sexual health check together when we first started dating and he had 2 women dealing with him. I think he was embarrassed lol x

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I honestly don't mind about the male thing. My midwife is male (meeting him tomorrow! Very excited!) and to be honest it interests me more than puts me off. As long as they are good at their job I am happy.

Lady garden situ...well I go for waxing every 5 weeks anyway so just going to keep that up and hopefully will have it done just before baby is due.

You must be the lady I was thinking of, I knew there was someone on here with a male midwife!

I'll be very interested to hear how you get on!

I'd be excited too if my midwife was a fella (not sure why??)


Will definitely post tomorrow to let you know how I get on :D I'm not too sure why I'm so looking forward to it :lol: suppose it's just something a bit different! xxx
I would not mind when in labour my hubs will struggly with it due 2 his up bringing and background but he will deal with it :D
Having had two lots of surgery on my woohoo with a male surgeon both times and check ups etc after, I really couldn't give two hoots as to whose down there! Male or female doesn't matter! As far as hubby goes I don't think he would mind either way.

The lady garden will get a trim but that's it. I tried home waxing before my holiday once and I ended up ripping off half my skin :shock: It bloody hurt and I had to spend my whole holiday with a very scabby and bruised bikini line! Ouch!

I had/have no problems with male midwives/nurses tending to me. During my induction I was given an internal examination by a man - made no difference to me! OH wasn't bothered either

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