
Having had two lots of surgery on my woohoo with a male surgeon both times and check ups etc after, I really couldn't give two hoots as to whose down there! Male or female doesn't matter! As far as hubby goes I don't think he would mind either way.

The lady garden will get a trim but that's it. I tried home waxing before my holiday once and I ended up ripping off half my skin :shock: It bloody hurt and I had to spend my whole holiday with a very scabby and bruised bikini line! Ouch!


Oh dear that doesn't sounds good! I have tried to shave mine but it's impossible, I just can't see! I asked hubby to do it the other day, just to neaten it up and he shaved it all off so now I look like a porn star! Oh well, I can't see it so I suppose it doesn't matter! xx
keep it trim and it will be fine. i can honestly say that when your in labour you really dont give a toss who or what looks or pokes around down there or what your ladygarden looks like. its all too busy and baby is the priority so everything else just dosent matter. and you really can only think of the one thing when your having contractions
I asked my boyfriend what he thought when he read this thought... He just shrugged his shoulders and said all he wants is me and baby to be ok, so what does it matter who helps aslong as they do there job the best they can! Personally I don't give a monkeys who's poking about down there!
I guess if y have given birth already you really don't care. I have given birth in the hospitalonce and at home once and I honoustly wouldn't care to have a male doctor (if I wanted to give birth in a hospital which is not the case wi5th me). there are not looking at y as a sex object and giving birth is not sexy at all so they are not looking at your private area thinking pf sex or anything like that that is the main thi why it doesn't bother me. better to have the best qualified than a female (if the male doctor would be better). wi my first pregnancy I was very anxcious of anyone actually seeing me down there naked but when y're in labour you just think anout it that way.
Im not too bothered I dont think, but I reckon I would be more embarrased with a male. I think OH would find it awkward too and wouldnt like it

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