Birth Plan

timsmom said:
Please don't be offended by this but why are there so many first timers who are having home births. I think the idea is lovely but not having given birth yet, how do you know how you're gong to manage your pain etc...

I would have said I had a very high pain threshold but labour pains were too much for me to deal with. Plus babies can get in to distress very quickly, I would rather have the reassurance of having all the medical technology on hand if I needed it rather than risk my baby.

I guess I'm playing devils advocate here and am likely to get shot down in flames and whilst I don't want to sound patronising, I think this needs very careful thought.

I personally would agree, if its a first baby. I had such a straightforward pregnancy, every thing went to plan. But if id have given birth at home, my little girl wouldnt be here today :(
My reasons for a home birth revolve around me and my slight phobia of hospitals! I'm just not comfortable in them and i want to avoid them if poss! I'm reassured by the fact that it takes precisely 3 minutes to drive normally to the hospital from my house, and i could walk it in 7 minutes so I feel safe knowing it's nearby if i need.

As for a birth plan.
Whatever injections they give for vit k and placenta
Gas and air
Pethidine if i get desperate
Water available if i want it (to lie in)
A CLEAN baby before i hold it.
And then for the midwives to leave us to it asap!

Im planning a homebirth for a first time as I dont plan on anything going wrong. Im not scared about giving birth one bit - its completely natural. Yes you can argue that no-one plans for things to go wrong but in the invent that anything should I can be transfered to a hospital. If things do go wrong in first time Mums they tend to do so in a very slow manner so there would be plenty of time to asses the situation. I could be transfered for slow progress in labour or in an emergency I would also be transfered but no time will be lost in this as even if I was at hospital it would take them 30mins to prepare for an emergency c-section....and they would be ready for when I got there which would be 20mins.

I dont see how it matters whether you have had no babies or 8 tbh...every single birth is different so you couldnt possibly know if it would be low risk or not.

As for pain relief, Im fully prepared for it to hurt like hell but pain never killed anyone! No-one NEEDS an epidural. Its a few hours of almighty pain....and with each passing contraction Il be nearer to my baby and thats what will get me through. You can laugh at me if you like but Im sure my outlook and attitude is going to help me immensely through birth.

I feel very strongly that birth is natural. As soon as you step into a hospital you become a medical case. You have to fit into their schedule and things arent allowed to progress naturally. In my eyes its all very wrong and so many people have horrid experiences when it is completely unecessary. I will be so much more relaxed at home and I can do things in MY time.

On the other hand there are people like missjennipenni who without hospital treatment would've lost their babies but these cases are very rare.

Up until about 30years ago everone had their babies at home, my family did and they back me 110%

ETA: Also with a homebirthyou have much more can decide to labour at home and then deliver at hospitalright at the last minute whereas if you're stuck in hospital you cant say "ok Id like to go home now please" :lol:
Tillytots said:
Im planning a homebirth for a first time as I dont plan on anything going wrong. Im not scared about giving birth one bit - its completely natural. Yes you can argue that no-one plans for things to go wrong but in the invent that anything should I can be transfered to a hospital. If things do go wrong in first time Mums they tend to do so in a very slow manner so there would be plenty of time to asses the situation. I could be transfered for slow progress in labour or in an emergency I would also be transfered but no time will be lost in this as even if I was at hospital it would take them 30mins to prepare for an emergency c-section....and they would be ready for when I got there which would be 20mins.

I dont see how it matters whether you have had no babies or 8 tbh...every single birth is different so you couldnt possibly know if it would be low risk or not.

As for pain relief, Im fully prepared for it to hurt like hell but pain never killed anyone! No-one NEEDS an epidural. Its a few hours of almighty pain....and with each passing contraction Il be nearer to my baby and thats what will get me through. You can laugh at me if you like but Im sure my outlook and attitude is going to help me immensely through birth.

I feel very strongly that birth is natural. As soon as you step into a hospital you become a medical case. You have to fit into their schedule and things arent allowed to progress naturally. In my eyes its all very wrong and so many people have horrid experiences when it is completely unecessary. I will be so much more relaxed at home and I can do things in MY time.

On the other hand there are people like missjennipenni who without hospital treatment would've lost their babies but these cases are very rare.

Up until about 30years ago everone had their babies at home, my family did and they back me 110%

i agree with all that 100% and its my reasons for wanting a homebirth aswell only my hospital is only a 10 min drive away,
most of my family surport me apart from my father who thinks if the tecknolegy is there in hospitals it should be used!!
hubby is behind me 110% and thats all that matters to me if at any point he changes his mind we will talk it threw :)
manda xx
I think it's down to personal choice if you want a homebirth. As long as you live near the hospital etc and you've got plenty of time incase things go wrong then I don't see anything wrong with it but I wouldn't have had my heart dead set on it with my first. There are so many restrictions on having a baby at home with the midwives that you could end up in hospital at any point so I would just be aware of that. I wish all you girls going for homebirth luck and hope that you get the birth you want. Birth is a very personal and strange experience and if you can have it the way you want it makes it that much easier but I would just advise first time mummies to be a bit open about labour and birth in general because they don't always go as planned, these little bundles of joy have their own ways :lol: I wanted so much with my son and it all ended up the other way!
Im planning an epidural as soon as possible :D
Bloom said:
Im planning an epidural as soon as possible :D

Me too!

though my last epidural was put in wrong, numbed my face & hands, felt all the labour pains!!
I wouldnt do a check by check birth plan cos you never know whats going to happen on a first baby and labour.

Just maybe think about doing check points, I did and it made it easier for my midwife to check back on my notes while labouring.

Never say never to pain relief, you have never known pain like contractions - they take your breath away!

Good luck and hope its easy to write, il send mine too you if you want to have a look at it.

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