Birth plan - anyone thinking that far ahead?

So cool to meet someone else from Belfast on here!!
I had my 20wk scan last week, it was amazing!
I read on another thread that u have a private scan, where are u going for that if u don't mine me asking?

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I'm hoping I'm offered a c-section because of a health problem I have. We are going to push and request for one if it's not suggested first.

I looked into birth plans for c-sections and there are so many choices to be made. One place said everyone should write a birth plan for a c-section as well as a natural birth so if you are rushed in for an emergency c-section they know what you would like and what you wouldn't. Like you can choose to not have the baby bathed until your ready, you can not be told the sex just have the baby placed on you. You can request to have the baby on your chest whilst your being stitched up, etc.
I'm going to babybond on the Malone rd, a friend went and recommended it. Though I have heard mixed reports on it....
I had to re-arrange my 20 week scan with the royal as I am going to be away for a week, and I didnt want to wait til I got back for it, as my anxiety levels are rising! lol. So this is really just to set my mind at rest before I go away, and then I will have my routine NHS scan on the 30th when I get back! xx
Im absolutely bricking it about labour but shes gotta come out lol.
Im in soo many minds about what to have during my labour, think im gonna weigh it all up and decide after antenatal clases on monday. Might make things a bit clearer but im defo going in with an open mind and will take whats given x
I don't think wanting to have the most natural birth as possible is being a martyr :shock: :shock:

I know it is possible with the right tools and training to have a very natural labour....

I also know all manner of things can go wrong and it is going to hurt like Hell.

I am not confident enough to opt for a home birth but if I can I do want to use the birthing centre.

Don't get me wrong safety of baby is paramount and I'll do whatever needs to be done! I'd just like to keep things as far away from medicalisation as possible.

I know it's all well and good me saying this now, and I may change my mind but as things stand I don't want anything that needs to be counteracted at birth (Pethadine - baby needs a shot when it is born to counter act the effects of the drug which is an opiate) and I don't want anything that is going to prevent me being mobile (Epidural) as I think it is really important that I am able to move about and ideally give birth with my pelvis titlted the right way - gravity will play is part as well !!


I agree with most of this. With my DD I did hypnobirthing to help me having an as natural birth as possible. Unfortunately this went out of the window as I ended up with pre-eclampsia at 34 weeks and went straight to theatre for a c section within hours of being diagnosed.

This time around I have no birth plan, what will be will be and so long as I have a healthy baby I will be very happy. Having said that my 'ideal' would be to have a VBAC with as little intervention as possible, however my chances of doing this are slim x
Oh heck I'm so scared I can't even think about it!!! I have 3 months to think of an alternative route for this little girl to get out of me!!!!

Ha ha!! Hilarious! Suddenly dawned on me the other day whilst in the bath that Pickle has to come out eventually - well Derrrr! Guess I didn't think that one through properly when we decided that one night that we'd dtd unprotected - whoops!! Xx
Oh heck I'm so scared I can't even think about it!!! I have 3 months to think of an alternative route for this little girl to get out of me!!!!

Ha ha!! Hilarious! Suddenly dawned on me the other day whilst in the bath that Pickle has to come out eventually - well Derrrr! Guess I didn't think that one through properly when we decided that one night that we'd dtd unprotected - whoops!! Xx

So much easier geting them in there xxx
Lol isn't it just!

They go in a tiny microscopic spec, and come out a full human!!

Holy mother I think I might pass out! Lol x

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It will be worth it. This is what I keep telling myself. We may all be left with bucket crutches forever more but our little darlings will be worth it. He he.
I know what you mean I suddenly had the realisation I had to give birth the other day. My OH looked at me as if to say 'well der' but it honestly hadn't clicked until recently. To be honest I'm not overly panicked at the moment but that could all change as we creep closer.

My birth plan at the moment is birth pool with gas and air, if I need anything else I'll take it, I'm going to try and just go with the flow as I don't want to be disappointed if it doesn't go the way I planned xxx
I'm genuinely not scared at all about labour. I've always wanted to know what it's like and feel that the pain will be so worth it that I just want to do it as naturally as possible. I'm hoping gas and air will be all I need as I'm pretty good with pain and I have a feeling anything else will make me sick, which would be worse than pain I reckon! Definitely know I don't want an epidural unless I had to for baby's safety eg for c-sec or forceps. As for a birth plan..I'm not making one. Just going to go with the flow! X
Hi ladies,

I know I'm early but I have been thinking about this soo much! I want to try and just use gas and air and see how I get on with that and then maybe opt for an EPI but I definatley do not want pethadine as it affects the baby whereas the EPI doesn't and my friend really struggled with pethedine as it only helps you sleep not really a pain relief but looking all over your posts are really helpful to see everyones different views I also want to listen to music the whole way through as I find it so relaxing!
It is a very personal choice and I guess until the time comes none of us will really know how we will be! The main thing is that mum and baby are OK throughout and at the end :)
Well today's excrutiating toothache has made me rethink the whole no pain relief idea?

I'd have an epidural now if it would make my frigging tooth ache go away :shock: :shock:

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Well today's excrutiating toothache has made me rethink the whole no pain relief idea?

I'd have an epidural now if it would make my frigging tooth ache go away :shock: :shock:


I know what you mean, i keep getting cramp in my legs and night and im rolling about in agony. MY OH kindly said.. if your like this with cramp what's labour going to be like! lol x
Well today's excrutiating toothache has made me rethink the whole no pain relief idea?

I'd have an epidural now if it would make my frigging tooth ache go away :shock: :shock:


I know what you mean, i keep getting cramp in my legs and night and im rolling about in agony. MY OH kindly said.. if your like this with cramp what's labour going to be like! lol x

I keep getting cramp too! It's absolute agony, apparently it's pretty normal for pregnant women to get them.... it doesn't feel normal!! x
Well today's excrutiating toothache has made me rethink the whole no pain relief idea?

I'd have an epidural now if it would make my frigging tooth ache go away :shock: :shock:


I know what you mean, i keep getting cramp in my legs and night and im rolling about in agony. MY OH kindly said.. if your like this with cramp what's labour going to be like! lol x

I keep getting cramp too! It's absolute agony, apparently it's pretty normal for pregnant women to get them.... it doesn't feel normal!! x

Me too, but only in the middle of the night. I shoot out of bed, its really annoying. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain.
I am wuss when it comes to pain as well. I can't handle it at all lol.
That's why I want any and all pain relief on offer lol x

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See that's the annoying thing.... I usually have a really high pain threshold guess that comes from compeating in Karate tournaments from the age of 6 but these cramps are excruciating! Hubby gets so worried becuase I am literally yelping in pain! xx
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I haven't experienced any cramping yet :/ Hopefully that's a good thing!
As for my birth plan, I'm leaving it pretty open really cos I know things rarely go to plan! Saying that, in an ideal situation, I would give birth in the brthing centre in the pool. I want to be as active as possible during labour, walking around, birthing ball etc etc. I've been trying out natal hypnotherapy cds too so might give that a go! I also definately want my OH to tell me whether our lil'un is a boy or girl, want him to be as involved as possible.
The only thing that really scares me about it all is tearing/episiotomy. That honestly scares the crap outta me! :/ But then again, if it happens, theres not a lot you can do about it!

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