Birth plan - anyone thinking that far ahead?

the one thing i wanna try and avoid if possible is any form of drugs apart from the epi just because it was all such a blur last time and i cant remember very much, OH said i was talking absolute shite and not making any sense :lol: so i wanna at least remember it this time if possible! xx
I want the whole thing in the pool, always have, but especially now because of my spd. If I struggle I will come out for pethidine, but I can't have an epidural either way.
It has been hinted on several occasions that I may be taken early for various reasons, so if I'm induced my water birth may go out the window!! Planned c-section is also a possibility because of spd but I'd rather avoid that if possible xx

I can really recommend the pool for spd pain. I laboured in there with my daughter and I can honestly say I didn't have a bit of pelvic pain, despite the fact I had barely been able to walk since 27 weeks!
I was planning a home birth this time round. I would have liked one with my daughter but I was induced with her so had to go into hospital. Although our local hospital is lovely and the maternity services are excellent, I just hated being in hospital. Call me a snob but I couldn't stand hearing other peoples visitors traipsing through constantly with their uncontrollable toddlers racing round the place, I felt really vulnerable. And all the different nurses coming in and out, peering in and touching my baby was just too much!!

However, we found out on Sunday at my 4d scan, and had it confirmed by my midwife yesterday that the little tinker is breech, feet first! He's weighing heavy so I have to be realistic and accept the fact that there's a chance he may stay that way, which would mean a c-section :(

Someone recommended acupuncture candles which go between your toes and make the baby turn. I'm not really into that kind of thing but i'll try anything!!
I would like the same as you jayjay ... start in the pool then load me full of drugs when I need them, however I've been referred to the anesthetist because I have a bad back injury and they are worried I may nope cope with labour ... so who knows what will happen.

I have a long time to think about it though ....
I'd love to do as much as I can in the pool... It's my 1st time, so don't really have a clue about the pain. I'm not ruling out any pain relief, as iv no idea how I'll cope! Ha!
How long you kept in hospital usually?

I think it really depends, with DD i went in Sunday tea time to be induced, had DD at 3.09am Monday morning and was allowed home tuesday tea time but i did have epi, think you have to stay in a bit longer if you have epi x
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I think the process of thinking about your plan allows you to research and discuss which options you're happy with or wish to refuse. The actual plan itself seems like a mere guideline for the attending midwife.
I haven't really thought about it or discussed it yet, but I would be interested to learn of the benefits of a birthing pool. I didn't get that option with DD, I had gas & air and had to remain on my back during labour due to the fetal heart monitoring they had to do. It was really uncomfortable and led to the 'pushing' part lasting much longer than it should have. I would ideally like gravity to help me along this time and have the soothing effect of being in water too.
With regards to pain relief, I very much hope I can get by on what I had last time.
I don't have anything set in stone as I plan on going with the flow and listening to advice as its given. Ideally I want a water birth, but know that my hospital only has a few pools, so it may to be possible. Ideally I also want to avoid an epidural, but never say never, it's my first time giving birth, I have no idea how I'm going to cope etc.
I don't think wanting to have the most natural birth as possible is being a martyr :shock: :shock:

I know it is possible with the right tools and training to have a very natural labour....

I also know all manner of things can go wrong and it is going to hurt like Hell.

I am not confident enough to opt for a home birth but if I can I do want to use the birthing centre.

Don't get me wrong safety of baby is paramount and I'll do whatever needs to be done! I'd just like to keep things as far away from medicalisation as possible.

I know it's all well and good me saying this now, and I may change my mind but as things stand I don't want anything that needs to be counteracted at birth (Pethadine - baby needs a shot when it is born to counter act the effects of the drug which is an opiate) and I don't want anything that is going to prevent me being mobile (Epidural) as I think it is really important that I am able to move about and ideally give birth with my pelvis titlted the right way - gravity will play is part as well !!

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PS - sorry I know I am not even meant to be posting here so don't think I am being rude!

I think keeping an open mind is deffo the best thing, i always said with DD that i wasn't going to have anything apart from gas and air and that i wanted to have her at the birthing center, unfortunately things didn't turn out that way as my waters broke on the Saturday night and nothing occurred so i had to go in Sunday tea time to be put on the drip, i tried gas and air, it made me wanna puke, i had pethadine, it made me feel woozy and took the edge off a tiny bit, but didnt really help much as they upped the drip, and the thing i always said i wouldn't have (epidural) i ended up having as i just could not cope with the pain any longer and due to that experience is the reason i am opting for that beautiful big needle in my back again :rofl: xx
PS - sorry I know I am not even meant to be posting here so don't think I am being rude!


Don't be daft, we all tri hop sometimes!! xx

Completely agree with leesey. You've been a member for a long time now and made lots of posts - Think that probably entitles you to post where you like. We're all friends here xx
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I've kinda thought about this, but havent had the opportunity really to discuss it with anyone yet.

I get motion sick really easy and because I have heard that gas and air and diamorphine can make you feel sick, I think I would prefer to go straight to an epi.

I would love to have a water birth, but I honestly dont think I will be able to cope with the pain.
Oh heck I'm so scared I can't even think about it!!! I have 3 months to think of an alternative route for this little girl to get out of me!!!!
Hi Jay,

I have always wanted to use a birthing pool ! They are supposed to be very relaxing, and I just love being in water anyway!! I intend to use as little pain relief as possible (no epidural!!)...but this may change once I actually start experiencing the pain!!!! I notice you are from Belfast, I am with the Royal. xx
Oh heck I'm so scared I can't even think about it!!! I have 3 months to think of an alternative route for this little girl to get out of me!!!!

Lmao!! When u figure out how, please let me know!! I am bricking it about labour!

Karolina - I'm with the Royal also! I don't see locations or anything like that on tapatalk, I take it ur from Belfast too? X

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Jayjay, yeah I'm in Belfast ! Nice to meet someone else who is with the Royal! I haven't had my 20 week scan yet, but intend to check out the birthing pools, i have my heart set on them lol xx
Im not doing a birth plan, just going to take it as it comes. I always thought I would love a water birth, but in reality when I had my daughter I hated being in the pool and couldnt wait to get out!

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