*******!!!******bellarina's labour thread ON HOLD FOR THE MO!*******!!!******

Come on baby!! Yay so excites bella i followed tour journey in clomid thread and now your having a baby!! Eeekkk!!
Hope your doing ok Bella,
Stay strong, you can do this !!!! He will be in your arms in no time xzxxx
There's no new developments yet guys, the cramps haven't got any closer yet, still only every 7 mins.
Baby Jake is going to keep us all waiting a little more I think... Come on little man your mummy wants to meet you now :) xx
Hope things speed up for you soon Bella. But don't loose heart things are still moving in the right direction eh xxx
Bless her. Hope it gets better for her xx

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Loads of luck Bellarina, hope things speed up soon x
Come on jacob time to come out.
Bella hope that things have sped up and he comes out in a surprise whoosh soon.
Good luck lovely you can do it.
big hugs Daisy
Good luck Bellarina! :D

Ohhh Tri3 is so exciting! :D
Thinking of you Bella! Hope that things have picked up in speed alittle hun! BIG HUG!!!!!! XXXXX
Sending more hugs and contracting thoughts xx
Come out baby let mammy see you xx

Quinns proud mammy xx Tapatalking xx
Update - I'm afraid her contractions have stopped being regular, they're a bit scattered. Shes frustrated and rang mw who said it's normal and can sometimes happen. Just a case of waiting for them to start up again! Looks like Jake is going to keep us waiting a bit longer!
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Ahh bless her. How frustrating for her x

Sent from my GT-I9300
Well TimTam, you're only 5 weeks pregnant, I guess it IS a little early for you to be getting a bump lol ;) Looks like Bella's hanging onto it for a tiny bit longer! ;)
haha yeh :) (hopefully not till I'm in tri2 though!!!)

She's feeling a bit rubbish guys, send her some :love:
She's gonna try a few things to get him moving, but watch this space, hopefully it won't be too long. x
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Sending love and positive vibes, Bella! I hope things get going again really soon! :hugs:

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