Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

Note to self - stop googling! I'm reading that a late period and neg test could be ectopic and you are at a higher risk of ectopic after an emergency section (which I had!), now I'm feeling pains in one tube, which I'm sure are in my head! I wish the witch would just come :( x
Cosmic! Only just seen this hun, I really really hope that you get answers one way or another today hunny xxx Step away from google, that thing is evil :hugs:
Is it worth going to the drs?? At least it will give your head a rest and your googling fingers lol

Fingers crossed you get your answers soon though xx
Cd36!!!! An all time record! Still no af! If she isn't here by Monday I will be visiting the dr x
Im sorry she is being a complete pain Cosmic, i know how you feel im on CD31, 3 days late and 2 BFN's!

I wish she would just show her ugly face so we can get on with our next cycle :hugs: xxx
I've got everything ready for the cycle, got a pile of opks, the agnus castus and thermometer at the ready, it's so frustrating :( x
thinking of you cosmic hope something happens today either way xx
Hi Cosmic! So sorry to read you;ve had such a horrible cycle! Hope you get some answers soon, one way or the other, it's the not knowing what on earth is going on that's the worst part really...
Thanks ladies.
Just had another look at the lunch time test but I think I may see the faintest line, or my eyes are playing tricks!
Louiseb, could you invert this for me? XxxImageUploadedByTapatalk1304434577.147327.jpg

In fact, the photo is rubbish because it's so faint xx
Hun, I totally see the line on that, didn't even need to enlarge it! How long between doing it and looking at it again? xxx
I did it at 1.30 but in a dark loo at work, pulled it back out my bag in day light about half an hour later, Omg, I can't believe you can see it x
hope its a bfp! are you gonna try a different test? i took 2 of the sains test on thursday and had lines like that within ten mins., ive done fr so i think they were evaps for me but yours looks fatter than mine..fingers crossed!!! x
oooh! How exciting! Fingers crossed for you!!
I've got an opk to do later and another sainsburys one for fmu tomorrow, ooer ;) xx

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