Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

Well I've done one of those early tests and still a bfn. So just waiting for af now, hope she hurries x
Hi Cosmic, sorry shes messing you about sweet. Your not out yet hun xxx
Hi Cosmic, sorry shes messing you about sweet. Your not out yet hun xxx

Thanks hun, I think I must be out, all the tests are bfn even the early ones and I'm cd33 today so something would be showing up, I'm awaiting the inevitable :( xx
Thanks hun, I'm fine with it but just wish af would show up asap so I can move onto the next cycle xx
I really do, and knowing af will appear is like torture! x
Stupid witch I hope she visits tonight! The flowers are lovely though your OH gets some brownie points for those.
Another bfn, now cd34!!! No af yet and no more hpts, I refuse to buy any more!!! Hurry up witch! xx
sending you hugs

it was so hard the month I was late and it was only 2 days...really feel for you xxx
Aw Cos :hug: if you did ov a bit late cos you weren't well then I guess it's likely that AF will be later on too xx
Thanks girls. This is so unlike me, I have always been quite regular! It's cd35 now, I keep thinking I have af pain so hopefully she will appear soon x
Aww cosmic thinking of you, hope you get an answer either way very soon ( hope it's a shy pink bundle) xxI can't believe I've only just seen this thread.. Fingers crossed :dust: xx
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