Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

Ah, Cosmic, just caught up with your situation. Really hope you get good news soon. Lots of love. FX. :dust::dust:

Thanks hunnie, I'm not going to test again for a couple of days if i can help it (unless af comes!) xx
GL and FX Cosmic. I could see the line too.

Pee away is what I say. However I wouldn't accept a cuppa off you at the mo, I'm betting all your cups are full of wee!
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cosmic your fooling no one you will be back peeing on sticks tomorrow:rotfl: x
GL and FX Cosmic. I could see the line too.

Pee away is what I say. However I wouldn't accept a cuppa off you at the mo, I'm betting all your cups are full of wee!

Ninja, you are more than welcome to drop in for a cup of piss anytime petal :rofl: xx
Ninja, you are more than welcome to drop in for a cup of piss anytime petal :rofl: xx[/QUOTE]

oooooooooooo ive only just seen this thread!!!!!!!!!! that line is very clear to see!!!!!!!!!!! i think you have your BFP cosmic congrats xxxxxxxxxx
OMG! how did i miss pics :) i think i can see a line! good luck cosmic

Can you really all see the line???? I can't believe it, I thought you'd all be like "err whatever, there's no line!", I'm still not excited though eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk xx
no no we can defo see the line lol you are not seeing things or being commited lmao there is def a line!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
much ;-)

You are right to stay grounded for as long as poss hun x
don't tell us you won't test for a few days - we can't wait that long!!!
I'm trying really hard to stay calm, it's difficult for me lol xx
Bear in mind i can see lines with my eyes closed ;) :rofl:

When are you testing???? please say tomorrow morning at the break of dawn?:lol:

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