Scotch finally has a 2ww!

36.45 - almost as low as my cover line :(

Oh well, at least it didn't tease me with a little drop...
I'm so sorry Scotch! I hope it works out for you soon!

scotch dita had a drop the other day if you remember? dont give up yet hun x
Don't lose hope yet hun, all is not lost & that good old saying 'your not out until the :witch: arrives & I hope she has gone on her holidays

I think I'm just going to accept it. I was really sensible until last night, then I went nuts and let myself get all excited and now look where we are - both devastated and oh didn't have to be. I did this to him by getting carried away and now he's hurting and I can't forgive myself for it. There was never anything there other than af symptoms. I saw all the bfps and thought it could be us too, but our bodies aren't linked to an internet forum, other people's luck won't rub off on us.

Yes, we're not out yet, but to be realistic there's a 99.9% probability we are and I'm not going to go through another high and low this week

Doctors again in 13 days. Hopefully we can get closer to finding out what's going on
sorry scotch, hope you are ok, as the others say you are not out yet but i know how annoying it is. hope you get on ok at the docs. xx
Hi Scotch, feel so sad for you. There is still a glimmer of hope, so just hold on til friday. This whole ttc is a rollercoaster, the highs are so high and then the lows are just terrible. Don't feel bad about oh getting excited and then disapppointed - you are in this together and he would want to be part of the journey. I try to protect my oh too, but we are a team and he is strong enough to handle it. He would rather know how i'm feeling than to know i am suffering and not telling him, i'm sure your fella is the same. You're just kicking yourself of letting yourself get your hopes up - i do the same. But just keep your eye on the end goal. If it doesn't happen this month, then hopefully your bloods will start the process of getting it fixed. One day this will happen for you both and it will be worth all of this, i promise.

Wish i could do something to make you feel better,

liv_luv_laff x
My temp started dropping 7DPO and by 10 DPO it was BELOW coverline, and only barely above it 11DPO, the day I got my digi BFP! You're not out yet!!

Best of luck and lots of :dust:

Temp has dropped below cover line today, have been able to feel her coming since last night. Am in a lot of discomfort. Just want her to come and get this over with.

Oh is devastated. I've never seen him this sad and it's tearing me apart. We're ok when we're together, but putting a brave face on it at work and not being able to say anything as no one knows is so hard.

This is the worst month yet. The milestones always are. This was our last chance to do it within a year.

He keeps asking me why...we're young, fit, healthy, having plenty of sex, eating well, drinking next to nothing, keeping fit, doing everything we should so what's stopping us? We called it bad luck before, but it's getting past that now...
Oh hun, I'm sorry about your temp but like Lewa said it happened to her

I know it's really hard but try to stay positive, your still in with a chance my lovely & I have everything crossed for you

:hugs: :hugs:

You're all so lovely xxx thank you all for being so nice to me, especially when I'm in such a grump xxx
im hoping she dont come hun and you get your bfp xxxx
Fingers are crossed for you so so so tightly! xxx
Your never grumpy at all hun, well I've not noticed in any of your posts before :hugs:

Cheers hon, you just made me smile which is quite an achievement today.

Ok then, ovulation was on cd24, 25 or 26. I'm now on cd39. Luteal phase is normally 14 days with af arriving part way through 15dpo.

So, if I'd ovulated on cd24 I'd be late as was due on yesterday. If cd25 I'm due on today and if cd26 not due until tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she's coming now as I've got stomach cramps and started getting loads of watery cm, standard signs for me, but if she doesn't arrive I'll not consider her late until saturday.

I told myself last night I'd test this morning if my temps were back up but they were lower so I didn't. I still don't think we've done it but I'm returning to an even keel after yesterday's despair
I wanted to say thank you as well to everyone who left lovely positive messages on here yesterday and today. I was too upset to take them in yesterday, but have re-read them today and you're all so kind to spend so much time sharing you're stories, how and advice with me xxx
you have been there for so many of us hun and its not like you to have an off day. im hoping this is your happy ending you really deserve it xxxxx
You're allowed to get in a grump. I've been going mental and it's only been 6 months for us. You are very brave and an inspiration. I have everything crossed that it is a good day for you tomorrow xx

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