Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

Oh Hun, fingers crossed it's a shy bfp!!
I only started tic last month but already it's driving me crazy xx
I kinda think though that if I haven't got enough hormone at this point to show a line, how successful will the preg be? I got a line last time and mc so I think I'm either out or will be soon, it's doing my head in, just want either a line or af NOW!! x
I just want af to come now but there is really no sign! I have creamy cm (had a good root to look for any blood - nothing) and my boobs are a mystery! I might go out and get one of those 3 day early tests, or maybe I should admit defeat and wait for af??? x
just seen this, so sorry its messing you about hunny! hope its shy like the other girls said. i have everything crossed for you xxx
It's very confusing cos. You are getting good symptoms. Maybe you did ovulate late in the end though, because of the flu? So maybe you aren't as many dpo as you think you are? Dunno what else to suggest :-( x
It's very confusing cos. You are getting good symptoms. Maybe you did ovulate late in the end though, because of the flu? So maybe you aren't as many dpo as you think you are? Dunno what else to suggest :-( x

Thanks hun, thats a real possibilty but then I'm deffo out as we only bd'd once on cd17 :wall: xx
ah hun just saw your post dam bloody tests grrrr! xxxx
Annoying eh? I'm sure I'm out but just need confirmation from the witch. I think she might appear in the next couple of days, and I'm fine if she does. I just want to be out of this limbo x
I know i kind of feel like that at the mo. im not really sure if i have ovd or its just wishful thinking the not knowing part is bloody awful starts to play mind games with you. I hope you get some idea of wots going on soon xxx
Thanks hun, I will actually be pleased when the witch arrives this cycle! xx
I'm starting to feel or maybe imagine af pains now!!! I'm out of control lol x
They're lovely Cosmic. Have you found out what he's broken yet? :rofl:

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