Been in hospital really worried - can anyone help!

MicheLou said:
Please don't tell me it was the staff at Durham Hosp that were going to send you home and blame the machine for not hearing quite right.. please don't, but I fear you jut might :wall:

Sorry you've had to go through this LMP, I've followed your story all through since TTC board.

RVI will look after you - they know their stuff x

My baby is now back to back and engaged, so they have been finding the heasrt very hard to get the last couple of times. My bubs heart can go as low as 101 and up to 160 when kicking a lot. MW simply said it si within normal limits, so they don't worry.

I do not have a direct answer for you. Just hope it is something that corrects itself after your bubs is born :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have never heard of this before either but I hope they don't make you wait till thursday! Can you speak to your own midwife cause surely the stress of worrying can't be good.

Hope you are ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lisa xxx
Hi Everyone

Thanks for your messages and hugs... This week has been the longest and scariest ever!!

I just have tomorrow to get through and then i get to find out what an earth is going on with my preceious babies heartbeat.

I've been on tender hooks all week and its really upsetting hearing bubbas heartbeat all over the place on out doppler.. I just pray its nothing serious and that my baby is ok in there.

To top everything off i have now found out i have reduced Fluid and i am aneamic so I'm having a right ole time of it of late.

I'll keep you all updated but i just wantedt o say thanks :hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex - Be on stand by... :hug: :hug: you might be called into text buddy duty as they said they may need to whip baby out if they find anything serious but i'm hoping that is a worst case scenario thing!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks again everyone

Little miss pink said:
Alex - Be on stand by... :hug: :hug: you might be called into text buddy duty as they said they may need to whip baby out if they find anything serious but i'm hoping that is a worst case scenario thing!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks again everyone


Not a problem, I'll be waiting just in case.

I'm sure all will be ok with LO, and I'll be hoping and praying there isn't a problem. Good Luck for Thursday :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:
Little miss pink said:
Alex - Be on stand by... :hug: :hug: you might be called into text buddy duty as they said they may need to whip baby out if they find anything serious but i'm hoping that is a worst case scenario thing!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks again everyone


Not a problem, I'll be waiting just in case.

I'm sure all will be ok with LO, and I'll be hoping and praying there isn't a problem. Good Luck for Thursday :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex xxx

Ah thanks Alex I'm sure it will be I'm trying to think positive!!

:hug: :hug:

Hope your doing ok too! How are things bye the way?

LMP x :hug:
Hi Little Miss Pink,
As i've been in hospital myself i have only just seen your thread and looks like your scans this week anyway, however heres some :hug: :hug: because i no what its like to have little fluid as my waters broke last week at 28 weeks, but i dont no anything about the heart. Do you know how much fluid you have? Does it show on your scan notes they gave you?
I currently have 2mm of water left and i'm leaking that all the time :(

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