Been in hospital today!

Hope your doing ok, and that you got some sleep in there. xx

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Hope your ok...! Keep us posted how your getting on xx
He was very matter of fact but such a sweet wee guy that he was gentle about everything he said. I appreciate that he's so straightforward, he's definitely a go-getter, he demanded appointments from all the different departments there and then, he wasn't hanging around.
I'd have pooped my pants if I hadn't been mentally prepared for it anyway. I'm not going to feel negative about what's happening, I'm going to stay positive for my little one. I'm such a worrier normally but I just have a feeling that he/she is fine in there, and I've had a feeling for weeks that I'm going to be early, I had my bags packed at 28 weeks and I bought 4 early baby babygros before that. Not being pessimistic but just following my gut.

I'm taking each day at a time and I feel really positive today xx

I think thats all you can be hun, I admire your positive attitude. Just really hope and pray all is ok for your both, I'm sure your gut instinct is correct - mothers intuition!

keeping fx hunni xxxx
Are you home? x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Hi ladies, sorry to keep you waiting. I had absolutely no sleep in hospital due to the snorer next to me (my god that was loud - I've now remembered to add 'ear plugs' to my hospital bag list!) so when we finally got home at half 4 I went straight for a nap.

Was monitored on and off, got a scan and got blood results back. Everything is normal, apart from the lack of movement obviously, so they still don't know what's causing it. The doctor who released me was quite a talker but he basically said the plan would probably be if I still got less than ten movements a day I'd be in for monitoring every day, but they would do it during the day instead of at night as I was getting so stressed out having to phone up every night not knowing what they would say.

If the movements do pick up, they will see me twice a week for monitoring, and possibly a fortnightly scan too. This will be confirmed by the consultant on Friday, after seeing how the next couple of days go. They're keen to keep an eye on the blood flow from the placenta and the fluid levels, and will just keep an eye on growth too.

It's been a horrible day, ended up in tears several times and hubby is stressed to the max, but we're home now and bubs gave us a few wee jabs earlier that we both felt so we feel happier this evening. Still so stressful having this hanging over us but so glad not to be in that ward anymore.

The worst part today was when we were sitting in the ward waiting for hours to get a scan (even though we already had an appointment from before that I told them about at least twice) and we'd literally been sitting in the same spot for 2 hours solid, when everyone else was allowed to come and go with their visitors. A lady in labour came in to the room (4 to a room in the ward) and was really quite stressed by the sound of things. All of a sudden the midwife said, push the button, emergency, and all the midwives came running in. The baby's heartrate and just dropped and wasn't going back up so they had to whip her away for emergency treatment (I assume c-section). This was just the last straw and I fell apart, I was howling at the midwife, saying how can it be better for me here when I'm so much more stressed here, this isn't good for the baby, blah blah. It was really horrible.

But she let me go away for a drink at the cafe, and we ended up just going to the scan appointment that was originally booked from Monday morning. What a palava.

Anyway, big long story, all ok still so far. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I had like one bar of phone reception at the most the whole time I was there, couldn't even text my bump buddy, sorry!! xx
So glad that all is ok hun and that you are out of the hospital :hugs: I'm sure baby will be fine, at least you're in good hands and they will keep you closely monitored x x
Aww hun! I'm glad they're keeping such a close eye on you and FX your little one finds some energy in the next couple of days and starts giving you some proper kicks!

Take care xx
Good that they're keeping such a close eye on u, hope everything gets better soon xxx
I'm so glad they are keeping a close eye on you hub and that you are OK. it's brilliant that you are being so positive xx

Oh my! What a carry on! Sounds like there doing a fab job of caring for you and lil one... Must be an awful experience. But at least theres nothing wrong with baby!x
:hugs: What a stressful experience. Hope LO starts kicking the living daylights out of you, but try not to worry too much if not. Glad they are keeping an eye on you at the hospital. Take care of yourself! xxx

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