Bedtime bottles


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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I read that babies shouldnt be having milk from a bottle from 1 year onwards...

So what about the bedtime bottle... This has been part of my LO's bedtime routine from day one, he has 9oz before he goes to bed and sleeps through, how are we supposed to stop the bottle?

I never stopped the bedtime bottle with my 2 year old. He stopped wanting it at around 18month anyway. But I'd have let him have it longer. I don't understand why they say stop bottles after 1 but its ok to continue to breastfeed ? Maybe I'm missing something and it doesn't have the same affect? But I can't see the problem with 1 bottle a day :) x
My son had a bottle of milk until he was two and then we swapped to a cup of milk every night. He still has a cup of milk now at nearly three. My nephew has a cup of milk every night and he's 6 I don't see there being a problem in having one. Both kids teeth are absolutely fine too
I kept the bottles for milk for both my two past one year old. My eldest still had bottles until he was around 18m. He'd have milk in the morning and evening, he wouldn't drink milk from anything other than a baby bottle. Once his bottles got worn out, we didn't replace them and he stopped having his milk around the same time too. He would just take a no spill cup of water to bed with him.

My youngest is 13 months and still has his bottles of milk in the morning and before bed. I'm not in a rush to stop. He can give it up when he's ready.
Jackson is 3 and still has a bed bottle. Its the only thing he does have :lol: he doesnt and didnt take a dummy regularly, he doesn't have a wee comforter or anything so its his one comfort. At the last HV appointment I explained that he was still having a night bottle - but morning and all other drinks he actually drinks from a straw cup, or sometimes a cup with anti spill lid (with the wee hole to drink from). HV says that was fine and had no concerns.

He gets his teeth brushed at night, and in the morning again so no huge sugar worry there either and his speech is perfect.

I have started to explain to him though that once his baby brother comes (October) it is his turn to have a bottle.

Some babies give it up themself and some just dont fuss as much, we are just now entering the phase he can take it or leave it. If he falls asleep early he tends not to have it. But if hes going to bed wide awake he will ask.

My dd was 3.5 before she gave up the bottles. It was her Comfort before bed so who was I to take it away from her.
My daughter still has her bedtime bottle at 2.5 years. As the others have said its her comforter as she never had a dummy etc. She drinks all other drinks in the day out of a cup of straw cup so I'm not worried atm x
Ahh thanks guys, I'll just leave him with his bottle for now then... He has water out of a cup in the daytime it's just that morning and bedtime one he has in a bottle, I don't get why they say to stop xx
I took bedtime bottle of warm milk off my son when he turned 2. Changed it for a cold cup of milk instead. The change never bothered him and it's been 2 months now, nearly x
My daughter stopped her bedtime bottle at just under 14 months as we were abroad and she wasn't fussed for it and didn't miss it so just replaced it with a cup of cold milk when we came home. She's now nearly 3 and still has a cup of milk before bed but also takes a non spill cup of water to bed with her. My son (10.5 months) only has his bedtime bottle now and will let him have it for a good while yet xx
Felix is 14 months and still has at least 2 bottles a day, just when he's going to bed or for a nap. I think as long as they drink their drinks with meals and when out and about from a cup or something then it shouldn't be a problem xo
They say to stop soft teats to discourage the sucking motion and to help speech but also because the milk is supposed to decay the teeth but the only tooth issue we have is due to one not coming in properly causing problem the dentist has otherwise commented on Jacksons teeth.

I still see 4year olds with a dummy as long as it's not in constantly then it's fine. One a day won't do anything to them.

I did a child protection course before and was horrified when the HV had says people used to cut the teat and blend down foods etc. Put rice in etc for laziness.

Of course I've never heard anyone do that but apparently it's a lazy parenting thing. We even seen photos of this place who blended a Takeaway! :shock:

Agree with everyone else, I wouldn't worry about giving it up just because your baby is 1. We carried on with morning & night bottles until DD1 was around 15 months, then as she was happily drinking water from a cup in the day we put her milk in a cup & that was it. She still has a cup of milk in the morning & at bedtime x
My LO turned one a couple of days ago and I put him to bed without a bottle tonight. The last week he has only been taking an ounce and blowing raspberries, laughing etc so I figured since he was still sleeping thorough and was using his bedtime bottle as an excuse to have a laugh then he maybe didn't need it.

He's not been waking up early from not taking much either. I think that your LO will cut it down themselves when the time is right x

Thanks everyone :)

Russel muscle - blending a takeaway!?!!! Who the hell are these parents!! That's awful isn't it xxxx
I was super shocked. Id heard of people putting rice in with milk to thicken it but that was like in my grannies days. We were shown slides of photos they'd basically cut the teats and were blending the dinners and putting them in bottles. Even pakora!! I wish I was kidding..

I think it's cultural, I know In the Netherlands it's still common practise to put a baby rice type of mix into the bed time bottle from about four months as its believed to help them sleep through (even tho research suggests otherwise) but they do sell specific stuff with guidelines on how to make it up ect.

I'm proper shocked about blending the takeaways tho like who does that??

Yeah the rice id heard of for that fill them up and theory is they sleep. Some people who even feed baby a wee rice pudding then bottle then bed.

The takeaways it was people in Scotland as it was our boards health visitors doing the talks but it's not like common thing here. It was horrific. The teat literally had the top snipped off lol.


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