What time (bedtime)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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When is your LO's bedtime? And why...

Austin starts his bedtime routine at 8:30 (8:15 if he's having a bath), and is almost always in bed asleep by 9pm. We picked 9pm because it's late enough that he gets to spend a couple of hours playing with Daddy when he gets home from work, but it's early enough that we can still have an 'evening' after he's gone to bed - watch a film or something just the 2 of us.
Aimees is 7pm everynight. She always has the good night song on on cbeebies then goes straight up. Nathans is between 7.30 and 8pm. He has his last nap at 3.30 then by 7ish hes getting quite tired.
Lennon goes to bed at around 11PMish and we bring him down just after 12midnight for a dream feed. We don't usually go to bed until after midnight so we've got him used to our routine
7.30 coz she gets tired then and the others go to bed around that time too.
christopher goes up at 7 and has a drink/cuddle/teeth brushed and is always asleep by 8 through until 8 - its sonice to have a baby that sleeps so well :D he has had this routine from 16 weeks he also got him self into it :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
when he was little it was 5pm - 5am, then a couple months back it went 6pm-6pk now its anywhere between 7pm and 8pm when i start seeing the signs, he has a bath a baby massage a story and bottle and down for sleeps! wakes up anywhere between 8/9am! which for me is awesome! :dance:
Rowan use to crash at 5.30pm which was horrible as my hubby would never really see him and it also meant him getting up too early. Thankfully now we've sorted out daytime naps he goes at 6.45pm after having tea with us as a family and a nice relaxing bath. My daughter who is 7 goes to bed at 7.30pm on a school night and is allowed to read until 8pm, then its lights out. During the school hols we are more lenient and she stays up later but still in bed and asleep by 8.30 - bless her she doesn't stop all day so she is shattered by then. That way we still have time for the two of us later on in the evening.
Jake goes to bed in between 7-8pm and wakes in between 6-7am. Usually Jake is asleep within ten minutes of putting him down. If he isn't in bed by this time he gets really grumpy.
willow goes to bed at 6:30 and wakes anytime from 4 - 6 for a feed she then goes back to bed until 8:30 it has been like this for about 2 months and it works for us and willow and she is used to it now too.
the last 2 nights since we began a proper night time routine, Louie is in bed by 8 pm :D

bath at 7pm, bottle, story then bed, hope it carries on :D
Routine starts at 7pm....she's usually spark out by 8pm at the latest......(7.30 tonight :dance: ) then sleeps until about 8am :D (Gets her love of sleep from her dad....one thing I can thank him for :wink: )
Arianna is bathed and bedded by 7.30-8ish every night
Usually feed No.5 is around 8-9pm then he'll go sleep. We dont take him to his cot yet, perhaps we should. He always gets another feed & bum change between 11pm-midnight then he'll wake up anytime between 5am-8.30am.

I could get him in bed earlier but his daddy would never see him so we've adopted that routine instead.
/Dylan has bath at 8.30 supper in bedroom at 9 usually asleep by 10 when i try to take him earlier it seems to just take longer for him to get off to sleep gonna ty him easrlier when it gets darker ealier
conal is in bed for 6.30-7 and willow 7.30-8 and they both get up 7-7.30 Conal used to be later but Willow likes to wake him now :x

thomas starts his bedtime routine at 6:20. He then sleeps till 6am then goes back till 9 - long may it continue!!
damon is ususlly in bed by 8pm and sleeps untill about 7am - he somehow got himself into this!! :cheer: :cheer:

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