Basket, Crib, Cot, Cotbed, ARGH!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Just having a quickie lookie at these, and we need to decide what to do about sleepy stuff.

Basically, we live in a 1 bedroom flat (although our bedroom is reasonably big), so as you can tell, we're not millionaires, lol!!

Ideally it would be good to have a 'bed' that would last as long as possible. What do you think, get a cotbed? Can you use this from birth?

Any ideas/comments very gratefully received :)
I would def say cotbed, I had one for DD and it was great x they can be used from birth but have to admit that I didn't use it from birth because I co-slept with her x only reason we haven't got a cotbed this time is because my sister bought us a cot and Moses basket x
im gona have a small cot as cant fit in a cot bed im also gona use a moses basket if i had room for a cotbed id have gone for that option as seems a good idea
Def cotbed! I had a cotbed with Lacey from 4 weeks and she's just gone into a big bed so that little man can have her cotbed! They last up until their 6-7 years old! Def worth it!
Go for the cotbed hun x Jacob had one but I just got him a toddler bed just over a week ago so the baby can have his cotbed xx
hey im in a similar situation to you, just got the one bedroom thing going on and we have bought a mamas and papas cot that lasts til they are 3, so id say cotbed thing would be the best way. im not bothering with moses basket, getting a travel system so the carry cot thing that comes with that will do. lol hope this helps x
i got a cot secondhand for £20 and i was given a mosesbasket that i will have in the cot until he is too big for it :D
I agree with the other girls, deffinately cot bed. I put Paige in it from about 4 weeks and shes been fine with it. I now use the moses basket downstairs. If you have a carry cot on your pram you could use that for a the first few weeks if you wanted. I used it downstairs for her bed before bringing the moses basket down. xx
We have a moses basket for our LO to sleep in with us for the first few months and then a cotbed for when she moves into her own room at around 4 months.

If cash is tight then probably best to get a moses basket initially as you can get them brand new from mothercare for £30 and second hand on ebay from around £10 with stand. Then once your LO outgrows that you could get the cotbed - timing will probably be right to get it in the Christmas sales for you.
Go with the cot bed as your going to spend out on an expenseive bed / mattress , you might as well get full use from it.

I wouls say tho, we got given a cot bed for ours, last time, (don't have it anymore) and it had tall ends when you coverted from cot to cotbed, so the head end, looked ridicoulsy higher than the feet end. If we get one this time, (as a frined might be giving us her cot free), w will only get one that converts into head and feet ends the same height) your 'll see what I mean when you look online at the pictures of them when converted. Some now come in half ends, so you can have smaller ends when a bed.
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Thanks everyone! This seems to be one of the major purchases, so really great to have some opinions - especially when they're all similar, means it must be right :)

How exciting!! Now how to get hubby to go look at some!! :eh:
I have a cot bed but that will be in the nursery and have a moses basket for the first few months, so maybe u could get both and use the moses basket in the cot or get a cot a little later on when almost outgrown the moses?
We are also in 1 bed flat, we have got a cradle to start with. We are hoping timing will be about right when we move into a two bed place to get out our cot...
Ive got a moses basket and a crib to start with, one bed house too so we were gonna have crib in with us and moses basket downstairs, personally i think when u can pick these up so cheap these days id rather have a crib and more room to begin with xx
I had a Moses Basket for downstairs and a crib for up, Odhrán is still in it with plenty of room and he was out of the moses months ago.. I would recommend this crib if you weren't wanting to buy a cot to begin with..


It's a lot nicer in real life, and Odhrán is a big boy and it's a sturdy and stable crib to have him in xx

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