Back to back labour/delivery


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hi ladies,
I had a back to back Labour which resulted in being in theatre with the help of ventouse.
I know back to back labours are generally longer and harder to deliver LO.
Just wondering of those of you who had a back to back how did LO end up being delivered?
Forceps because the suction cap didn't work

mummy to Joshua 1 and cooking a baby IsaacO:)
I delivered h naturally without intervention but then the thickos didn't realise untill he was born!
Hey I delivered on Thursday night …baby was back to back and I had absolutely no pain relief not even gas and air!

Started contracting at 4 pm very very painfully and strongly and delivered at 11.45pm! So it wasn't too long and apart from severe tearing which none of the midwives understand it was reasonably okay x x
I had back to back labour and his head got stuck so after 3 hours trying to push him out, an epidural that did nothing and excrutating pain we opted for a c-section rather than the suction due to risks. He was worth it though and would do it all again!
I had back to back labour and ended up having forceps delivery.
Back to back and ventouse for me too, I had an epi for pain relief though so probably my pushing wasn't as good as it could of been. My boy was also 8lbs 14oz so quite a big boy! x
I had an episiotomy to hurry things along because Los heart rate dropped but got to hospital at 3am 4cm delivered at 8am after 45 min pushing.
Oh and only gas and air (other than injection for episiotomy) I was in a birth centre and had an ambulance and resuscitation machine on standby just in case.
You can def have a posterior baby without help. Positions are really importnt for how you labour and give birth.
Important to keep upright, birth in a position that opens up your pelvis as much as possible, like all fours, semi squat etc.
there was a love posterior birth with a great midwife on one born a few weeks ago. She was in the birthing room and the midwife suggested she try a birthing stool as it opens up the pelvis well. She had her baby just fine. It was hard work, but I'm convinced the stool helped.
Good luck :)
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Thanks for all the replies ladies. I started to convince myself I could have done better etc etc but at the end of the day M is here safe and sound right?

I did see the one born episode and thought she did really well!! There was no stool like that at my hospital xx
My first baby was back to back and have to agree the pains are horrendous! lol

Unfortunately for me my labour ended in c-section, he got stuck and heart rate started dipping so was rush for the section.

But have to say no matter how our bubs get here it's all definitely worth it :D It must be coz i'm not far of doing it all again lol

x x x
Forceps! Not ideal, but there was talk of c-section, so that was the preferred option. :)
ended with a failed ventouse and then forceps
Horrible labour , epidural spinal block and forceps . Back labour is a whole load of not fun
Emergency c section. I remember the pain so vividly. I couldnt lie down I swear I walked around the whole night before I got a epidural!!

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 excuse my terrible spelling :p
LO was in the right position, but because she was trying so hard to move down and couldnt fit she ended up turning and went back to back. She was never gonna come out by herself! I had an emergency c-section x

tapatalking x
I had a back to back labour and birth with DD. I was in agony, had gas and air from 2cms and a shot of pethidine at 3. After the pethidine I managed to relax and progressed to 8cms in just 30 minutes! Getting to 10cms took another 30 minutes but once I started pushing it took longer. DD was crowning after 15 minutes but then she kept sliding back due to my waters not having broken! But just over half an hour later, once they'd broken my waters, she was born :) different people will have different experiences of back to back due to pelvic position. I have a particularly open pelvis and found that even laying on my back I had no trouble delivering back to back. My baby boy is back to back as well and I'm not worried about a B2B delivery again in the slightest :) xx
I had a back to back labour with my first born DS. It was a long labour and I had an epidural and then had to have an episiotomy and a ventouse delivery - I declined the forceps xx
My mum had 2 back to back labours, both 4 hours, both unassisted x

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