Back from my scan

Yiiiiiippppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yay! That sounds fab, and you should definitely be able to see loads more on 9th June :cheer:
so glad all went well today beth xxxxxxxxx
ive only just got in from being out all day

i am so pleased for you!!!!!!!
I'm really glad everything has gone well for you and its all sorted it seems now :) take care of yourself, and try to chill out now as your LO is doing great!
yay!!! :hug: so happy to read all is good and well with your pregnancy hun, i knew it would be! i wouldnt worry so much sweety, harder said than done i know! but your pregnant and enjoy every second it goes waaaay to fast :wink:
i know what you mean about the whole m/c thing lmarszall, they were so rude and disrespectfull when i lost my little one. i sat there on a bench crying for five hours in pain bleeding everywhere too scared to move and ask for a pad :oops: they didnt check on me once just came un to stick me with a IV after passing out :( OH was there holding my hand trying to make light and laughing about the KY jelly they had on the worktop :doh:
Aw hun :hug:

Blokes eh! Never say the right thing, they try though bless them!

yeah the hospital weren't very sympatheitc and when i was pregant with Alfie they wern't bothered i'd miscarried before. I only got an early scan as i did a survey thing. Otherwise would have had to wait till 13 weeks!

Thats why i've booked a private one for saturday. Just so i know if all is ok or not. The worry is awful!

Beth88 said:
Well i had to hav another internal scan :puke: felt reall ucomfortable..

Anyway - last time the sac was empty and 2.5mm, and this time it had a yolk thing in it and it was 9mm!! sooo thats good news!!!

a bit weird - there was a little bit of blood in my uterus, which oculd be from when it implanted and i didnt bleed, so they said i shouldnt be alarmed if i start getting a bit of browny discharge etc..

so overall they were very pleased with it, and im going back for a scan on the 9th june so check all is well. yay! :cheer:

Ohhh and the sac is measuring 5 weeks and 5 days!

I had this problem before I got pregnant with my son and was worried like yourself when I got pregnant again with him.
Luckily like you the yolk was there and I went on to have a normal pregnancy.

Hope this gives you some encouragement.

Best wishs hun.

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