I've bought a pack of cotton wool pads (the type you use to remove make-up) to use on the sticky meconium poo. As I think has been said, these work better than regular cotton wool which has a habit of sticking to damp skin.
I've also bought a pack of about 8 reusable cloth wipes (brushed cotton) and a pack of Cheeky wipes.
With my last baby I used cotton wool pads for the first few weeks then switched to fleece topped cotton flannel wipes, they were fab. I still have them but they are in the loft with the nappies I kept so need to get them down.
I used cloth wipes and water exclusively til she was 5 months, then I went on holiday so took disposable wetwipes, and then after that I either used the cloth wipes or wetwipes depending on what was to hand (and if the nappy was pooey).
This time I won't be using wet wipes.
Why on earth do the midwives have to shun the wipes? It's made the first week much harder than it needed to be!!!
Because most wipes contain harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrance etc which can irritate a newborn's delicate skin and dry it out.
They aren't doing it to be mean, they are trying to stop newborns getting a sore bottom from having wetwipes used on them - often 8+ times a day due to the frequency of their bowel movements.
When you clean their bottom you really should use a damp cloth or piece of cotton wool to wipe them, then use a dry cloth or cotton wool pad to dry the area. Not just use a wet one and leave it.