Baby eczema


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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My LO has really bad eczema..

Anybody else's baby have this?? What kind of things have worked for your baby?

We've tried e45 which makes it worse, aveeno seems to help a little, we do have hydrocortisone cream but we only use that when it's really bad and we can't use it on his face which is where he gets it the most.

I feel so sorry for him xxx
My little girl has it, we use oilitum in the bath and dermol 500 lotion both from the gp. It's really worked for us. We have hydrocortisone but never use it. We have a good skin routine and it's so much better now
Caleb doesn't have it but my friends little girl has had really bad skin and they've tried a LOT of moisturising and steroid creams and not much has worked....she now uses Baby Napiers soothing starflower dry skin cream and it has worked absolute wonders it's quite unbelievable!

It's not cheap but maybe worth a try? x
Have you been to the GP? We get oilatum bath stuff, ointment for soap substitute and cream all on prescription, it's great stuff always works quick when she has a flare up x
I had it really bad as a baby/child and still get it occasionally now.

For me I was only allowed a bath once a week, just water, no bubbles. I do the same for my lg now and so far fx she hasn't got it. I don't use wipes on her and I put coconut oilatum on her to keep her skin soft..

It's not nice and I hope you get it sorted for him.
Honestly I will try all of those suggestions... Im currently sat in the GP surgery for yet another appt about it! It's strange because it disappeared for a few days and then came back with vengeance this morning! Thanks everyone xxx
My lo has eczema as well - it started on his forehead and scalp at around 9 weeks but now he has patches all over his body with his back being the worst. It has cleared up on his face and head now. Unfortunately there isn't one solution that works for everyone and I've tried loads of creams - Oilatum, Aveeno, Lush Dream Cream, Pure Potions Skin Salvation, Epaderm to name a few. We're currently using Aveeno on his face and head (several times a day even when clear) and Doublebase on his body. I found that anything in the bath seems to aggravate eg Oilatum and Aveeno oil so I just add porridge oats in a muslin. Definitely don't use any baby products or shampoo. We're also trialling prescription formulas to see if it's triggered by cows milk - tried Aptimel Pepti for 2 weeks which made it worse and now trying Nutramigen Puramino for more severe allergies. I've also switched to old fashioned soap flakes in liquid form to wash his clothes in case it's a detergent allergy. I think eczema is down to some sort of allergy and tracking it down and eliminating it is the only way to 'cure' it. This is often difficult or impossible in the case of house dust mites so the medical approach is to manage rather than resolve. Very frustrating and horrible to see your lo with angry inflamed skin. You can use hydrocortisone on the face, just use the lowest strength for the shortest period - we use 0.5% on his face and 1% on his body. Hope you find something that works xx
Ahh thanks... Sorry to hear your LO is suffering to! the Dr has referred him to a specialist as it's so bad at the moment :( I don't think it's his milk, as some days it's completely gone, if it was his milk wouldnt it be all the time? and he would have other symptoms such as diarrhoea and sockness wouldn't he?? We've just got epiderm as we've not tried that one yet. Let's just hope they grow out of it the poor things xxx
Glad you've got something for it. We saw a dermatologist with LO for his eczema as it could end up quite dry and cracked, she prescribed us some Aveeno bath oil, some cream and some hydrocortisone. Youve probably tried it but the only preventative measure we've found is that we were told to "wean" him off the steroids as the eczema improves, e.g. when a flare up starts, 2x a day hydrocortisone, and 4x a day Aveeno. Then slowly decrease the hydrocortisone to 1x a day, then every other day, then 2/3 x a week, and if he had a flare up, we began the process again. We found things like illness, or changing fabric detergent would flare it up. If he gets ill, I now automatically begin at 1x hydrocortisone, and 2x Aveeno, rather than letting it flare up first (obviously, the hydrocortisone just on his problem patches). We were also told bathing them too often can dry their skin out if it's just plain water, so we tend to do every other night with bath oil. Best of luck and hope it gets better for your LO soon, it must be so irritating for them! x
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Cows milk definitely makes eczema worse.

Coconut oil help[ed]treat the flare ups, but cutting milk from my daughter's diet stopped the eczema more than any creams or moisturisers.

Also agree with oat baths and don't use any bubble baths or shampoo, especially avoid Johnsons products as they are harsh (despite their claims).
How do you do the oat bath??

Mums lou....he has just gotten over a bad cold, maybe that's what has made it flare up so bad?? I didn't know that could make it flare up xxx
Just a handful of oats tied up in a large muslin square (or sock! lol) and put in the bath when it's running.
Hiya I've found aveeno baby eczema therapy works wonders but only available from Amazon. Unfortunately you can't get it prescribed. E45 and oilatum didn't work on my daughter. When it got bad doctor gave me epaderm which is great and I now only use it when she has the occasional flare up.
Yeah the epaderm seems to have worked wonders, this morning he was just covered in this red angry dry flaky face and now it's calmed down so much xxx
How old is you lo? My eldest suffered really badly for his first year and then it cleared up. We tried oats in the bath, oilatum and other emollients, dream cream from lush, changed wash powders, I cut milk out my diet (he was ebf) nothing worked. We saw a dermatologist who prescribed hydrocortisone creams and emollients same as gp.

Hydrocortisone helped control flare ups the only other thing that helped was something called Bria Organic's it didn't work as well as hydrocortisone's but I felt happier using it.
He's 5 month... Im praying he will grow out of it! it bothers him as he wakes up scratching it all the time, ive had to go out and buy baby grows with scratch mits for night as he will scratch his face til it bleeds :( I'll try that bria organics as well thanks you! xxx
I used to put socks on his hands as they stayed on well. I always had a spare pair shoved in a pocket for if he started to stretch. Fingers crossed he grows out of it. You might find it improves as the weather does, heating can make it so much worse. xx
My lgs eczema is like this. We use oilatum bath formula, the pediatrician also prescribed 2.5ml of piriton 2 times a day when it's at its worse we find this really helps with the itching at night. I found lots of emollient cream made it worse and wasn't greasy enough so my hv prescribed some 50/50 cream which is like a liquid paraffin we've been using this for a couple of days so far. I also use socks to put on her hands at night as they're the only thing that stay on. She unfortunately gets this from me I also suffer with it terribly xxx
My LO has really bad eczema..

Anybody else's baby have this?? What kind of things have worked for your baby?

We've tried e45 which makes it worse, aveeno seems to help a little, we do have hydrocortisone cream but we only use that when it's really bad and we can't use it on his face which is where he gets it the most.

I feel so sorry for him xxx

My little boy had this when he was around 4-5 months and again randomly at 1.5yrs.

We stopped with any bath products, drs prescribed zerobase and diprobase cream (similar to e45 but better), aswell as oitium stuff for the bath. Its MEGA greasy but helped loads xxx

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