Eczema help


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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I wondered if anyone can help my lo has been diagnosed with eczema he woke up the other morning with a temp and a rash or so I thought anyway my mil took him to docs who said that it was eczema that was brought out by fever. We have cream to use 3 x a day but any advise would be good I have no idea. Will bathing him more help or make it worse, can I use baby oil, any tips so I can help stop it itching. He is covered in it head to toe and I dont have a clue.
Thanks in advance.

Ps I know its not the end of the world but my hormones have made me so upset I cant help so any advise will be gratefully received

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My little man has little dry rash patches too. and what I do is Every time I feed or change, do little wipe and then apply the cream lightly three to four times a day make sure the room temperature not too hot or cold and make sure bbay wear comfortable clothes that be too warm up.. if you think he or she not comfortable give it a bath it helps. If you think there's no different dont hesitate to go and see a doctor and get all the advice you. am constant on booking appointment for checking up.

They used to give a cream and when I finished the cream less a month and ask for repeat prescribe, the receptionist always says "you just request that few weeks ago" lol not my fault they told to apply the cream every time the skin get bit dry
Hi wifeywifey. Holly has eczema too and I complrtrly understand how upset you feel about it even though there is nothing you can do to prevent it. I can only offer the advice that I have been given by my doctor but hope it helps.
When Holly was diagnosed it was after seeing a few docs who said it might be eczema or might be a reaction to something so her poor skin had flared up badly and had got infected. We were given steroid cream and antibiotics as well as an emmolient cream to use daily. After it had calmed down again I stopped the steroid cream and it came back so I went back to see the doctor and she spent a long time talking things through. Think it would be worth making an appointment for you to go and talk about how to manage lo's skin cos it can be confusing.
We now use emmolient cream 4 times a day every day on Holly. if there are any red patches or sore looking patches we put steroid cream on straight away to get it under control. (If it got really sore again we would have to go and get more antibiotics). We were told not to bath her more than twice a week cos it dries out their skin and can make the eczema worse. When we do bath her we use oilaitum for infants bath stuff as it helps to prevent their skin drying out too much in the water.
So far fx we have been able to keep the eczema under control and finally feel we are getting on top of it and into a routine of creaming her up!
Hope this is helpful - best thing I did was find an understanding doctor and spending time talking through all the treatments then writing it down!
If you want to chat I'm here x
hey there,
Owen had horrid eczema too from about a month old. it upset me a lot. he still has it now, very badly on wrists and fingers. hes on antibiotics atm cos he has an infected patch behind his ear!! BUT it is usually not too bad and we manage to control it. we have used aveeno cream and aveeno bath stuff. it's great and really helps his skin. we use steroid cream (eumovate) for flare ups. i see diff cos at my surgery though and they all tell me diff things :( we got referred for specialist hospital apt when he was about 7 months and was helpful.

good luck, hope it gets better soon, its horrid when you think you cant take it away for them xx
Hey ladies I hope you don't mind me butting in but my nephew has had eczema since around 10 months old, he is now three and my SIL uses Miamoo which you can get from Boots. She tried emollient and, steroid creams and they worked for a while then stopped working.... Hope this helps your LOs I think I am going to start using the products when we stop using water only on our baby x
thanks everyone, I had no idea at all what to do, we have oilatum cream which I will use as advised. I just hope it clears at least a little. will definatly be doing all I can to help him.
thanks again its a comfort knowing other people have been there.
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I had childhood eczema pretty bad, I had to be covered in bandages soaked in various creams etc and I grew out of it eventually when I was about 3 or 4 and I was completely clear for the rest of my life (until I gave birth recently then randomly it has appeared on my hand!!) but I just wanted to give you hope that in a lot of cases childhood eczema is something that they will grow out of.
One of my friends baby has bad eczema and she has been trialling a dairy free diet (she bf's) and she uses a steroid cream and aveeno and she has noticed a big difference after a few days, it may flare up again but she is starting to get it under control which is the main thing. She also puts her baby in a baby gro (rather than clothes) and with no vest so she doesnt overheat as when they get warm it seems to be more uncomfortable and she has found that her lo doesnt rub her sore bits on her legs as much when she is covered in a full baby gro.
Definately try speaking to the dr's for more advice or find out if there is maybe a skin specialist health visitor, we have a dedicated eczema health visitor in our area and she has really helped my friend. xxxx
thanks. I was thinking it started when I switched lo to whole milk instead of formula and I know allergys can make it worse I had a dairy allergy which I grew out of but am now lactose intollerent so keep wondering if it might have something to do with it.

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