Babies sex...old wives tales!!!??


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Hey.... just been reading about the heart rate theory, out of curiousity just wondering if any one knows any other old wives tales how to tell if its a girl or boy? thought it would be fun to hear them!
Well I have heard quite a few.

The other day I read that if your left breast is bigger than your right then you are having a boy, and vice versa!

Well my left breast is def bigger than my right so it might be a boy! :lol:

Also I heard that if you crave sweet then it is a girl and if you crave savoury (which I am) then it is a boy.

I know a lot of these things are old wives tales but practically everyone that I have read so far points to a boy and when I looked it up on the chinese gender prediction chart thing, it said a boy as well!

If a girl pops out now I will be very surprised!
Well I have just found these and my left breast theory has been thrown out of the window! It seems I might be having a girl now. :lol:

You're more likely to be carrying a boy if...

• Your baby's heartbeat is lower than 140 beats per minute

• you're carrying all out front

• you're carrying low

• you're blooming in pregnancy

• you didn't suffer from morning sickness in your first trimester

• your right breast is bigger than your left

• you look at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute and your pupils dilate

• you crave salty food or protein, such as cheese and meat

• your feet become cold more quickly than before you were pregnant

• you tie your wedding ring to some thread, hang it over your stomach and it moves in circles

• your skin becomes dry

• you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is even

• your hair has become more full-bodied and shiny during pregnancy

• the hair on your legs has been growing faster during pregnancy

• you are more prone to headaches

• your pillow faces north when you sleep

• you're asked to show your hands and you present them palms down

• you lie on your left side when sleeping

• your urine is bright yellow

• you were the more aggressive partner during love-making when you conceived

• you eat a clove of garlic and the smell seeps out of your pores

• your previous child's first word was "dada".

You're more likely to be having a girl if…

• Your baby's heartbeat is faster than 140 beats per minute

• you're carrying all round

• you're carrying high

• you've missed the "blooming" period altogether

• you suffered morning sickness during your first twelve weeks

• your left breast is bigger than your right

• you look at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute, but your pupils don't dilate

• you crave sweet things, such as juice, fruit and sweets

• you tie your wedding ring to some thread, hang it over your stomach and it swings from side to side

• your skin is soft

• you are more moody than usual

• you're asked to show your hands and you present them palms up

• you were the less aggressive partner during love-making when you conceived

• you eat a clove of garlic, but you don't smell of it

• you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is odd

• your hair has become thinner and dull during pregnancy

• you lie on your right side when sleeping

• your pillow faces south when you sleep

• your urine is dull yellow

• your previous child's first word was "mama".
He he he......I think im having a mixture!!!!! breasts are just big, neither bigger than the other! although tied engegement ring (suitable swap???) and it swung side to side, so may be a girl! thanks for your reply, small things please small minds and all that !!!
wow, pretty much all of the girls ones i said yes to!!
Oh dear mines a boy-girl. Going to be difficult to break the news to DH.
My bump is boy shaped but I can't ever remember being less blooming or more sick. :lol:
a good one which worked for both of my two was to look at the baby's head on the scan picture - if the back of the head is flatter then its a boy - if its rounded then its a girl......worked with mine!!
Well according to those points I'm having a boy, which I think I'm having anyhoo. Only 3 weeks 2 days til my scan :D :D :D

I think im having a boy to but i think its gonna kick me in the butt and be a girl hahah either way i will be a happy clam!
My babys heartbeat is always over 150 and it is a boy...So I guess that throws the heartbeat theory out the window :)
But I did do the chinese chart and it said boy...And I know a lot of people who did the chinese chart and it was right on...So maybe? LoL
woho, im havin a shemale, lol, i answered 50/50 to those listed there, lol. I have this niggly feeling tho that i am having a girl, i know its stupid but i kinda wanna boy, i wnt really car eeither way, but my family is overun with girls jus thought it wud be nice to have some guys in the family, lol.
Ahhh well 5 weeks and i find out the sex, yipeeeee

bec x x

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