well still no AF I haven't tested since Monday as I did all my ebay tests last weekend!
I will send OH out tonight to get me one just to be sure. Guess my cycle is even longer than I thought
Thanks snuggle. My DH told me today that my boobs were looking unusually large and asked me straight out if I was pregnant. Explained (like he doesn't know) that its too early for proper symptoms and far too early to know as AF isn't due for another week. He said he knows its too early etc etc but didn't care about that just my boobs are not normal and thinks that I might be regardless. Here's hoping DH is clairvoyant. If he is right I will never hear the end of it (although to get a BFP I could live with that )
Well ladies, I said that I would cave and test early and I just did. Boobs have grown overnight and is first time since TTC that has happened so just took a FRER test and guess what - BFP!!!!! Its faint but def there. Cannot believe it am shocked. Got a positive OPK on 14 August so am 10DPO at most. Have to wait for hubbie to come back to tell him. He is out with our friends but I came home early because felt totally wiped out. Now I can think why!!! Am sitting in shock on the sofa.
ooooo congrats tatty! How exciting! We were due another BFP in the august testing thread and so glad it's yours
How will you tell DH? Anything special planned? Xxx
HollyHobby that made me I figured Af was due sometime 28-30 August so was going to try and wait before testing. But DH was on the money on the boob front. They are bigger now than on Friday and he made the same comment this morning which planted the testing idea (even though thought it was too early).
I don't know how I will tell him - very quickly I imagine. he will be so chuffed. Just keeping everything crossed for the next few weeks because it just doesn't feel real just yet.
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