All-New Testing Dates Thread!!

Hello all. New here - hope you don' mind me joining your thread. Will be testing on the 7th July, providing AF stays away! :)

Will you be testing early babylicious?

I'm in the 2ww and you're testing before me!! :rotfl:

S'ok hun - I looked at it and though -YEY I can test before then... :rotfl:
Never mind...the waiting is fun.... NOT
lol - I made myself not buy anymore - think I have an ebay cheapie left inthe drawer and I have 2 cb digi left over.
I know they are not that sensitive (despite what they say on the box :roll: ) so I can't test with them unless I am late... :shakehead:

Although I do have 25 OPK's.... wish I didn't know that they can pick up HCG - although I might use them to ease my POAS addiction!! :)
im on 12 dpo and got positive on the didgital this morning so i dont recon there that bad ! unless im further on , cant see how i can be tho lmao

They're too expensive to pee on randomly, but I will now

Thanks G3M :shakehead:

Congratulations, Gem! :D

I've got all sorts of symptoms that aren't my "normal" AF symptoms, but not sure if I'm feeling them because I'm hopeful, or if I normally get them and just don't notice....

Waiting is so much fun................ :wall:
Well, tested yesterday with a cheapy internet-bought test and BFN. AF due on yesterday as well and still no sign at present, so have purchased a digital test.

Just going to wait a few more days (if I can!) to see what happens then.
Testsed at 10DPO at 10pm :roll:

Am testing again Monday morning - will post results then.
Superb - well done MM! :D

Don't think this is my month. Still no AF, so officially 4 days overdue now, did another CB test this morning and still negative. BUT I've started a low calorie diet and apparently not getting AF is possible. :(

Boobs still hurt though and have funny heavy, thumpy feelings low down and feel odd, but I guess I'm not pregnant. :(

Just seems odd timing. Should have come on on Saturday 7th...but nothing and usually I'm realy regular. Didn't start the diet until Sunday, so even ifI was a day late I sould have started then.

All I can say is "poo". :(

Ho well....onto the next time.

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