***August 2018 Testing Thread***

Vintageling, I'm so sorry for your loss :( Thoughts are with you and your family. xxx

Emma, how odd! I also hope we both get our BFP. Going by your opks, you should have ovulated anywhere from 12 - 26 hours after the first positive opk which is why if your using an app it'll class you as 1dpo. Seeing how your tests are now negative i would assume your surge is finishing. Every now and then though our bodies can gear up for ovulation, but then not actually release an egg!

sfj, if your test on Friday was a positive one (second line as dark or darker than the control line) then I would assume Sunday you would have been 1dpo - that's if Friday was your first positive tests? If Thursday was positive I would take a guess at Saturday being your 1dpo going by the 12 - 36hr ovulation window.

I've not done today's OPK but I know it's going to be negative as all my ovulation signs have gone. No longer getting the pinching/aching and ewcm had gone. According to ff, I'm now 1dpo and officially in my tww!!

To all those still testing good luck, remember the chance isn't over until AF arrives - it could always be a late implantation. In which case your HCG would still be on the low side

Thanks ladies I'm back home now as we couldn't get dog care for me to stay in Wales so we are going back up at the weekend so I shall be sleeping today as haven't slept all night I was literally just falling asleep when dad called
Emma yea fingers crossed you caught that egg sorry hadn't realised you already had a positive.
Fingers crossed crumble
So sorry for your loss Vintageling. Thinking about you xx

Please can anyone help? I don’t understand my chart at all. So on Friday morning I woke up and my temp had spiked but I had a restless night and I assumed it might be that. Then Friday night I had a few glasses of wine and on Saturday morning my temp had spiked even further. I considered I might be ovulating but also put it down to the alcohol in my system. Since then my temp has gone back down to ‘normal’. I’ve also found out I’ve not been using my OPKs properly and not waiting long enough to see a positive so my Friday AM positive on the chart is a guess as I had a few in my bin which showed faint positives (which I know is a negative unless the same darkness as the control line but I’d waited 2 days to see it so presumed that’s why it was fainter). I thought after ovulation your temp rises for at least 3 readings but mine hasn’t, not sure if I have ovulated or not? Or still waiting? Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks x

I have the impression you ovulated on the 12th. I always get a big dip when I ovulate... Then the temps rise slowly until I reach AF and then slowly drop again.
Did you BD on the 10th or 11th?
I am 8DPO and another negative, I even tried a FRER as I was feeling this was the month..... let's see :clover:
Still having nausea, yesterday starting cramping. No sore boobs at present. No idea , literally.

Aw fx for you. It might just be too early. Maybe try not to test now until AF is due? Saves the disappointment when you might actually be pregnant but it’s just too early. I know how hard it is not to do a test though x

I don't know why but I decided to test every day as I got loads of one step test and also I would like to have a line progress....if will be one :roll:
I am also very moody, I can hardly tolerate my husband today :strangle:
I am 8DPO and another negative, I even tried a FRER as I was feeling this was the month..... let's see :clover:
Still having nausea, yesterday starting cramping. No sore boobs at present. No idea , literally.

Aw fx for you. It might just be too early. Maybe try not to test now until AF is due? Saves the disappointment when you might actually be pregnant but it’s just too early. I know how hard it is not to do a test though x

I don't know why but I decided to test every day as I got loads of one step test and also I would like to have a line progress....if will be one :roll:
I am also very moody, I can hardly tolerate my husband today :strangle:

Wait til after the baby is born. You could gladly suffocate him in his sleep hahaha! #noregrets
I am 8DPO and another negative, I even tried a FRER as I was feeling this was the month..... let's see :clover:
Still having nausea, yesterday starting cramping. No sore boobs at present. No idea , literally.

Aw fx for you. It might just be too early. Maybe try not to test now until AF is due? Saves the disappointment when you might actually be pregnant but it’s just too early. I know how hard it is not to do a test though x

I don't know why but I decided to test every day as I got loads of one step test and also I would like to have a line progress....if will be one :roll:
I am also very moody, I can hardly tolerate my husband today :strangle:

Wait til after the baby is born. You could gladly suffocate him in his sleep hahaha! #noregrets

We are moving, tomorrow actually, so we are packing today and he is trying his best to be killed, believe me! :evil:
I am 8DPO and another negative, I even tried a FRER as I was feeling this was the month..... let's see :clover:
Still having nausea, yesterday starting cramping. No sore boobs at present. No idea , literally.

Maybe we are both going to get positives a little late crumble :clover: :dust: I keep looking at my test from yesterday and trying to convince myself it's a squinter!!! <3
Oh Vintageling I am so very sorry. It's been a tough month for you which means next month must be amazing to balance it out. My thoughts are with you and your family! <3
Oh Vintageling I am so very sorry. It's been a tough month for you which means next month must be amazing to balance it out. My thoughts are with you and your family! <3

Thank you hun I bloody hope so think the gods need to let me catch a break lol
Vintageling, I'm so sorry for your loss :( Thoughts are with you and your family. xxx

Emma, how odd! I also hope we both get our BFP. Going by your opks, you should have ovulated anywhere from 12 - 26 hours after the first positive opk which is why if your using an app it'll class you as 1dpo. Seeing how your tests are now negative i would assume your surge is finishing. Every now and then though our bodies can gear up for ovulation, but then not actually release an egg!

sfj, if your test on Friday was a positive one (second line as dark or darker than the control line) then I would assume Sunday you would have been 1dpo - that's if Friday was your first positive tests? If Thursday was positive I would take a guess at Saturday being your 1dpo going by the 12 - 36hr ovulation window.

I've not done today's OPK but I know it's going to be negative as all my ovulation signs have gone. No longer getting the pinching/aching and ewcm had gone. According to ff, I'm now 1dpo and officially in my tww!!

To all those still testing good luck, remember the chance isn't over until AF arrives - it could always be a late implantation. In which case your HCG would still be on the low side


My tenderness has gone now and pains also pretty much gone. Tmi but had a large bit of yellow ewcm not long ago when i went for a wee. Will test again on opk tonight and for next couple of nights just to be sure. X
Is yellow ewcm common just after ov? X

I don't really track cm but yes, after ovualtion your cm will change to a thicker creamier looking consistency. And will become very sticky too. My guess is the cm you lost was a mixture of the ewcm and sticky non-fertile stuff :)

As i sit here now i still have the odd ache on my left side. But i'm not so sure that is the side i'm ovulating from. This morning i was woken from my sleep with the most intense stabbing pain in my right side that ran downwards and made my cervix twinge! And it really was a twinge too, like some had twanged an elastic band! lol Here's hoping it was a nice big fat eggy! lol
It's not creamier yet, maybe you're right, it's about to change and is bit of a mix between the 2.

I also had a sharp pain this morning briefly going down my left side! x
TWW is horrendous. Do. Not. Like.

I'm only about 3DPO according to OPK and my tummy still feels iffy with cramps and poops and I know this isn't PG related so it's making me sad.

Man, I sound insane :D
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TWW is horrendous. Do. Not. Like.

I'm only about 3DPO according to OPK and my tummy still feels iffy with cramps and poops and I know this isn't PG related so it's making me sad.

Man, I sound insane :D

Di you know high amounts of progestrone can actually cause poops!! So it might be related to your hormone increase if nothing else :D
It's not creamier yet, maybe you're right, it's about to change and is bit of a mix between the 2.

I also had a sharp pain this morning briefly going down my left side! x

Haha well hopefully our freaky similar stabbing pains will result in our little beans! Now i'm wondering whether to dtd tonight too?! If the twinge was the eggy dropping? Having said that, there must be enough up there to fertilise every egg i have left :shock::lol::lol:
It's not creamier yet, maybe you're right, it's about to change and is bit of a mix between the 2.

I also had a sharp pain this morning briefly going down my left side! x

Haha well hopefully our freaky similar stabbing pains will result in our little beans! Now i'm wondering whether to dtd tonight too?! If the twinge was the eggy dropping? Having said that, there must be enough up there to fertilise every egg i have left :shock::lol::lol:

Hahaha, I have been actually thinking the same, should I dtd tonight as well or will it not matter now?! Dtd twice Saturday evening and again last night. x
TWW is horrendous. Do. Not. Like.

I'm only about 3DPO according to OPK and my tummy still feels iffy with cramps and poops and I know this isn't PG related so it's making me sad.

Man, I sound insane :D

Oh that's good, you're in the right place... we're all insane here!! Hahaha... the poops is apparently a PG sign tho so don't rule it out as nothing to do with it but obviously it's not a garuntee either. It's all just a horrible waiting game lol :dust:

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