Arnica, raspberry leaf tea & help with pain relief homework!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hello all,

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I just have a few questions if anyone has some time to help!
Firstly I ws wondering if anyone is/has taken Arnica tablets and if so when should you start? I asked my midwife but she didn;t know and the lady in holland and barrett said 3 weeks before your due date but I just want to check if anyone knows here?
Secondly, when should you start drinking raspberry leaf tea or taking the tablets?
Thirdly, I had my first NCT class yesterday and we've been set homework! I'm supposed to find out about some natural forms of pain relief so if anyone can think of any- pleae let meknow! i'm gonna do a bit of research online now but if anyone can think of any I'd appreciate it!

thank you!
Natural forms of pain relief:

Tens machine

Regarding arnica im actually not to sure... soz
How did u find out about ur nct lessons??

Rasberry leaf is after 37 weeks isnt it? its been 9 years since I last needed to know so maybe wait till someone else confirms.

natural pain relief :think:
Water, tens, breathing/focus, hypnotherapy,aromatherapy
Steelgoddess said:
Natural forms of pain relief:

Tens machine

Regarding arnica im actually not to sure... soz
How did u find out about ur nct lessons??


Thank you! I know it sounds silly but I was wondering if TENs counted as natural therapy- :doh: I can see now it would!

When I first had my checking in at the hospital the midwife asked me if I had thought about classes and I said I had been thinking about NCT so she said 'good cos we get really full' and put it in my notes that I was organising myself! didn;t think anything of it until i looked online and saw the price :shock: I booked them ages ago though through the NCT website I think.
I'd be interested in finding out how long beforehand you need to start taking arnica tablets beforehand...the lady in holland and barrett told me but I forgot :wall: :wall: and I also forgot the dosage...was it 2 tablets 3 times a day?? :wall: :wall:

I knew I should've written it down, pregnancy brain ey :D
I have started taking raspberry leaf tea tablets now, my midwife says its fine to take them at my stage and i'll be 38weeks on Tuesday.
But the woman in holland and barrett did want to make sure that i had my MW's permission to take them before she served me.
Ooh, not sure about any other forms of natural pain relief but re: Arnica tablets, I didn't realise you had to take them beforehand? I thought they were to promote healing afterwards...? x
mandspice said:
Ooh, not sure about any other forms of natural pain relief but re: Arnica tablets, I didn't realise you had to take them beforehand? I thought they were to promote healing afterwards...? x

I thought that too but then asked the woman in holland and barrett and she said a few weeks beforehand will be beneficial to promote healing even more.
I bought some Rasberry Leaf Tea but haven't started drinking it yet - think you can start the tea around 34 weeks but tablets are not recommended before 37?! :think:
handbagqueen said:
Hello all,

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I just have a few questions if anyone has some time to help!
Firstly I ws wondering if anyone is/has taken Arnica tablets and if so when should you start? I asked my midwife but she didn;t know and the lady in holland and barrett said 3 weeks before your due date but I just want to check if anyone knows here?
Secondly, when should you start drinking raspberry leaf tea or taking the tablets?
Thirdly, I had my first NCT class yesterday and we've been set homework! I'm supposed to find out about some natural forms of pain relief so if anyone can think of any- pleae let meknow! i'm gonna do a bit of research online now but if anyone can think of any I'd appreciate it!

thank you!

Arnica - from when you go into labour. They promote healing so are not needed till labour and afterwards

RLT - tea from 33 weeks, starting off one cup a day building up to 6 or so by 36 weeks (hard work and tbh not the nicest drink)
tablets from 36 weeks or so, again start of with a couple a day and build up to 6 or so (3 times a day with meals)

Take it for a week or so after giving birth also as helps stop the bleeding

I just found this info:
raspberry leaf tea-
It contains a uterine tonic and, taken daily in the last six to eight weeks of pregnancy, it helps to prepare the uterine muscles for labour and thereby ease the process of childbirth.
Arnica tablets
You should get advice from your doctor but we suggest taking homeopathic arnica pillules twice daily 3 days before the due date and 3 times daily for 3 ?days after the birth.

hmmm, seems to be conflicting advice everywhere!

oooh, just seen Sherlocks post too- so will probably go and get a cup of tea now- wish me luck!
Homeopathy is generally safe to take at anytime, though always seek advice if you are unsusre. I use arnica now for back pain, used it in labour with Isaac and afterwards for healing, this site may help;
Hi all, i should't be in here really but having a quick peek so i have an idea what to expect and thought i'd let you know that in one of my pregnancy magazines that i read last weeks, rasberry leef tea is fine AFTER 37 weeks. Any time before can be dangerous but it can be quite beneficial at 37+ weeks :D

when im officially in here most of you wil already have your LO's so good luck all, I'll keep having sneeky peeks at what your all up to!
keelie_b said:
Hi all, i should't be in here really but having a quick peek so i have an idea what to expect and thought i'd let you know that in one of my pregnancy magazines that i read last weeks, rasberry leef tea is fine AFTER 37 weeks. Any time before can be dangerous but it can be quite beneficial at 37+ weeks :D

Hiya :)

I'd have to say the magazine is wrong on that count. Tea can be taken sooner as its a weaker form of reaspberry leaf. Tablets from 36/37 weeks. In both cases you have to build up to the maximum dose. Its not dangerous taken earlier. Its not a labour inducer, simply aids the second stage.

I took it from 33 weeks in tea form and from 36 in tablet form. Had a 34 minute second stage labour!

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