Arnica and Raspberry Leaf Capsules


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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I went into Holland & Barrett and bought some Raspberry Leaf and Arnica capsules.

I started the raspberry leaf ones today. I took 2 (640mg per tablet) with a warm drink and will now take 2 three times a day.

When should I start taking the Arnica? The ones I got say not to handle them, just put them straight onto the tongue. They are 6c.
The bottle says take 2 every 2 hours for the first six doses and then 2 tablets 4 times a day until symptoms improve....

Is this the same for pregnancy and labour?

This is all new to me, so want to make sure i'm doing it right.

Would be soo grateful for any advice :hug:
No clue - I have arnica pills from boots (pretty much same instructions!)

I remember Natural Mamma saying something about starting to take the arnica when you're in labour - and that you can't OD on it but other than that I'm confuzzled! :think:
I think Natural Mamma said to start them once every hour once in established labour then every half hour after delivery...there is a post about this somewhere think its called 'the power of arnica'....
This is what NM wrote...

So dosage.......Well if you feel you bruise easily and you feel really nervous about the birth, or you've had a traumatic labor in the past, i would recommend Arnica 1m.....You take it as soon as you are in true labor. Suck the pill making sure you have not had anything in your mouth for 10mins before and after. repeat every few hours. And take one every 1/2 hour following the birth for a few hours. Then repeat as can't O.D on it

Think this is quite a lot higher potency than you have though so dunno if instructions will be the same...
yeah take them once your in labour and in pain, i just got my kits ready lol

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