Arnica tablets and raspberry leaf tea


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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1st of all im thinking of starting arnica tablets but when is best to start them? as i no they help with healing stitches.

2nd raspberry leaf capsules, when to start taking them and how often? and also what do they help do exactly? i no there are mixed reviews about it all.

Thanks x
thanks for the post i was thinking the same about the rasberry leaf stuff. hopefully we will get an answer soon x
I would like to know too I was thinking of getting some ..
I'll be stalking this thread as I want to know about both things :D
I started taking RLT at about 32 weeks, just a weak cup every or every other day, building up to 2 cups the next week.
Didn't really like the tea that much so at about 35 weeks I got some capsules from holland and barratt. started with 2 a day even though the label says between 3 and 6 per day cos I'm a bit chicken lol.
I built up to about 4 per day until my waters broke at 37+5. Nothing to do with the rlt I'm sure as I didn't go into labour and therefore had to be induced. However, my second/pushing stage was exactly 2 pushes, the first I wasn't even aware I was doing. i don't know if the RLT had anything to do with this but I would take it again as there are all sorts of health benefits to it aswel x
raspberry leaf tea tones the uterus, i have been using it all the way through tri 3 and it has improved my bladder control no end!

its nice with a bit of honey and very rich in iron and good stuff too
raspberry leaf tea tones the uterus, i have been using it all the way through tri 3 and it has improved my bladder control no end!

its nice with a bit of honey and very rich in iron and good stuff too

Was that from 27 weeks then cos I don't wanna start taking it too soon but if 27 weeks is ok then I will :)
Oooh yea, bladder control is a major plus!! I'd take it for that alone lol.
I bought some Arnica tablets yesterday from Boots - not sure when to start them though...!
is it only holland and barrat that u can get it then?
Im gonna be getting mine from holland and barrett.

Tasha89 what arnica tablets did you get the 30c? x
Im gonna be getting mine from holland and barrett.

Tasha89 what arnica tablets did you get the 30c? x

I did indeedy - that's all they had. I'm gonna look into it a little so i'll give you a heads up when/if I find anything x
Thanks :) i think you only have to have them in your sysytem before having baby so im guessing would probably be around a week before? but i dont know for deff x
Thanks, so that says that should really be using 6c? unless its prescribed at 30c? what is this c thing anyway lol x
Thanks, so that says that should really be using 6c? unless its prescribed at 30c? what is this c thing anyway lol x

Oh yeah - serves me right for scanning through it... Not sure - suppose it's similar to the mg readings on painkillers? x
Hmmm its abit confusing as on the holland and barrett website it comes up the 30c ones only in the "pregnancy" section lol. think i might go into one at the weekend and ask them what one i should get. :) But glad it only says to take a couple days before birth and up to 10days after :) x
I have been drinking RLT since about 33/34 weeks, but my MW told me i should have only started from week 37, not sure why? x
They all say different thingks. at my 34 week appt my mw said to get myself on it as she herself took it when she was pregnant!
Must start with the rlt tonight!
now what does the arnica do for us?
Midwife advised me to use sweet almond or wheatgerm oil on the perinium for last few weeks too.

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