Bottle or Breast

probably gonna have a lot of people disagreeing with me, but i have decided to bottle feed.
This is my second baby, i bottlefed my first as i just didnt feel comfortable breastfeeding, i know its pefectly naturel and i'm not one of those that gets offended by it, in fact i'm disgusted by anyone that does get offended. I think its great if you can do it.
My reasoning for bottle feeding Pip( name my 7 year old daughter gave to baby early on because of size) is that i dont have a well enough balanced diet, i am healthy and not over or under weight normally,its just that i eat what i want when i want, i make sure my daughter has her 5 portions of fruit and veg but i'm sorry to say i dont follow suit tut tut...
i want to make sure my baby has all vitamins and minerals it needs and i dont think it will get them from me :?
I definitely want to breast feed for as long as possible. At least six months seems to be the usual recommendation. In the first few months it seems like the most hassle free option as well as being good for both of us. Later on, when I have to go back to work, I geuss it might be a little more complicated with expressing and so forth, but it just seems so important!

Jo - I can understand your concern that your irregular diet might transfer into poor milk for baby, but I don't think that's the case. Breast milk is kind of majic and has all sorts of special nutrients for the baby. It also allows you immunity from diseases (colds and the like) to be transferred to your baby. If you could bear it, perhaps you could take a pro-natal multi-vitamin - just in case - and try breast feeding??
I think i will def try breast feeding. I had a go wiv my other two but didn't last long. If i find it difficult i will express my milk.
im going to bottle feed to be honest i dont have a reason why breast feeding doest seem to appeal at the moment but maybe when baby is here i might change my mind :?
I'm going to try and breast feed for a while. i'm not sure why but i can't imagine being able to do it long term! Does anyone else feel like that?

Does breast feeding make it more likely that your boobs will go saggy? :shock:
I had that question but was told that breast feeding makes no difference. Any sagginess is caused before then during pregnancy, which cheered me right up!!!! :D
haha cool - that has made me feel less dubious about trying :D
ToriElla said:
I'm going to try and breast feed for a while. i'm not sure why but i can't imagine being able to do it long term! Does anyone else feel like that?

Does breast feeding make it more likely that your boobs will go saggy? :shock:

With my son I wanted to "give it a go" but didn't hold out much hope. I found I really enjoyed it, the bond you feel is amazing!
You might feel the same, but remember it will be a bit painful for the first week or so.

Has everyone bought their Camillosan?
If not buy it now, and start using it a week or so before the baby is born, thats what my midwife says anyway!
Hi Urchin

What's Camillosan & what does it do?

I'm definitely keen to give it a go, but think everyone has the right to decide. We had a breastfeeding councellor at our NCT class last week for an entire session, and I have to say, she was pretty full on in applying pressure for breasfeeding - not in a persuasive way either - even those of use who had already decided to try breastfeeding felt pretty peeved about it.....

Lansinoh cream is even better!!

Its expensive - £9.99 or so but worth every penny - its the best nipple cream on the market!! And if it means the difference of breastfeeding or not breastfeeding then its worth every penny!!

You can get it anywhere - boots, mothercare, etc.
Could someone tell me how to vote? Please bear with me if it is a stupid question.
mummy2be_15 said:
i neva even considered breast feeding i think its disgustin (no offens)lol
my littl girl is on bottles already an she hardly drinks anyfin anyway

i cant wait to start breast feeding! i dont think disusting, i think it must be very intimate and i really hope that i do well... i think i will be quite upset if she doesnt latch on. i dont have the problem with the OH wanting to join in because i am single so hopefully it will be a lovely experience and it will be a nice way to bond with my newborn. lots of my friends say they wouldnt consider breast feeding because at 15 they think its grose, but i must be different, i have totaly different thoughts. after the birth, my hospital does this thing called skin-to-skin where you take your top off and the baby lays on your chest for a while to see if s/he latches on, thats what im hoping to do as iv descussed with my MW the other day. xxx
vijgan said:
Could someone tell me how to vote? Please bear with me if it is a stupid question.

Just click the option you want to vote for and hit submit!

Camillosan is nipple cream. The other ones is good too, you will need it!

I've bought mine already!!!
I really really want to breastfeed for many many reasons.

But I am worried about the fact that I have always had quite sensitive nipples (can't go for longer than an hour without a bra before they start getting sore). Now I am pregnant they seem to have been hurting almost constantly and go through periods of being very itchy.

Do you think this will give me major grief when it comes to breast-feeding?

A friend of mine took 2-3 months to get used to breast feeding. Is it normal to take this long or was she very unlucky?
I have read this message all the way through and find everyone's opinions fascinating.

I breastfed my two until they were 6 months old and will do the same with this one. I struggled through first time and only kept at it because of a supportive midwife.

The one thing that I think society should avoid is demonising women who choose the bottle. I have seen a woman reduced to tears at a mother and baby group because she bottle fed.

Its the choice of every woman and while I would always urge breast, we should respect everyones choices.

JuicyJess - just wanted to say that I think your decision to breast feed and your attitude towards it shows a great deal of maturity as well as good sense. I'm sure you don't need my opion, but from the posts I've seen you sound very level headed and I think you'll be a great mum. Good luck with all of it!!

MummySian - you're right about the demonization of women who bottle feed. One of my (many) fears is that I won't be able to breastfeed for some reason and then will feel like everyone thinks I'm a bad mother for bottle feeding! But I am concerned by comments like "i neva even considered breast feeding i think its disgustin (no offens)lol /my littl girl is on bottles already an she hardly drinks anyfin anyway" which I find frankly disturbing.

I guess that person is probably a bit of a wind up tbh ;)

I want to breastfeed, it's really important to me. I can't wait to start that bond between me and my little girl. However if it doesn't work out then I know my DH will support my decision, which is all I need.

I don't mean to be offensive, but what I have noticed in society (not on here), is that younger mothers (teenage age) don't seem to want to breastfeed. My sister knows several girls her age (at least 3-4, she's 18 ) that have recently given birth that decided before the baby was born they weren't going to breastfeed. They think it will give them saggy boobs and think it's horrible. :roll:
I do think it's maybe harder for some young Mum's to get their head around the idea that breastfeeding can be beautiful and a real bonus to bonding with your baby. It's perfectly normal for young girls to worry about what their boobs will look like afterwards etc......after all, some of us are happily settled down with men who accept our bodies for what they are, whilst these young girls have their whole lives ahead of them and maybe some still have to get out there and find 'Mr Right'. You can understand them being worried about not being able to 'pull' if mother nature messes with their bodies!!

I think everyone needs to make their decission based on what is best for them but bear in mind that breast is best for the baby if you fancy giving it a go!! :wink:
I loved breastfeeding my daugther, especially after not managing to BF my son.
Nothing in the whole world could be greater than looking down on your little baby feeding. Her little jaws rushing to get some milk and her hand gently patting the top of your breast. It's an intense love - a truly lovely bond.
Good luck to all of you wishing to BF!
That's really sweet Emilia, made me feel all goosepimply about when my little girls here :D

BTW, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my comments earlier about younger mums, it's just an observation :)

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