Bottle or Breast

Kerry said:
It's perfectly normal for young girls to worry about what their boobs will look like afterwards etc......after all, some of us are happily settled down with men who accept our bodies for what they are

Yeah absolutely Kerry- as you know I'm 30 very very soon and have been with my DH since I was 18- back then I would have worried about that but frankly my weight has gone up and down and all over the place since then- he's seen me ill in bed looking manky, in the mornings, when I'm down etc etc and he still fancies me so frankly I hadn't even thought of the thought of more sagging boobs (they started heading south some years ago anyway as I've always been blessed with large boobs!!) or worried too much about stretch marks (I already have some anyway) as I'm secure about my body and it's many imperfections in a way I really wasn't probably until my mid 20s to be honest. When I stopped being so self-conscious though some of our male friends who had known me since I was 18 actually said I was sexier now than when I was younger and since it's certainly not because I'm thinner or better dressed (in fact quite the opposite!) I think they meant more comfortable about my body and therefore generally giving out happier vibes!! Good reason to give in and enjoy the party I reckon!! Plus if you take a glance at the top shelf in a newsagents you'll see that men fancy women not just glamorous thin women with pert bodies and praise be for that!! (If only I'd realised this when I was a teenager- it would have saved years of feeling inferior!)

I can see how it can seem disgusting too though- I must admit I find it uncomfortable being in a room with a woman breastfeeding as I kind of want to stare and can't help getting over the whole fact if seeing a bit of her that's usually sexualised if you see what I mean? I know it's silly, especially as I've always wanted to do it myself but I guess it's just how I'm socially programmed. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it in public myself even though I would fight for the right for anyone else to and think it's ridiculous that people like me find it off-putting!!!

The poster above isn't a wind up merchant though, we're all entitled to our own opnions and she was just saying what she thought :).

I too think that there is a huge amount of pressure for women to be ok with breastfeeding- every single time I see a doctor or midwife they go on about it even though I said I would give it a go at the beginning. Every booklet they give you has messages about it on there and it just seems to be the one thing they really want you to do. No one has asked me if I'm drinking or doing drugs even (I'm not obviously but...) just do I smoke and will I breastfeed. I just hope that when the time comes I get proper help and advice otherwise I think it's very unfair to put this amount of pressure on women without the back up. We'll see...

The poster above isn't a wind up merchant though, we're all entitled to our own opnions and she was just saying what she thought

Sorry, I thought they were because they said
my littl girl is on bottles already an she hardly drinks anyfin anyway"
, which I found quite scary so was assumed they were a wind up. If they aren't then god help that baby!
Well her baby wasn't feeding and she had to go back into hospital but her baby was getting better the last we heard- she's mostly been posting on the First Year forum about it all when she's not been in hospital. Just thought I'd explain- not gossiping, just wanted to say that she was geniune and entitled to a say etc.

Ahhh I see. :oops:

I apologise then :oops:

Thank you for letting me know!
This has made me think of another question. See I didnt think of breast feeding as having a negative effect of your breasts long term. I thought pregnancy made them bigger and stretch marked and saggy. I didn't thing that breat feeding would make things worse!?!
I just knew that breast feeding can help you get your figure back quicker due to calory loss and your uterus contracting quicker.

Am I completly wrong, and is breast feeding going to make my boobs bigger and saggy?

I dont want to sound vain and like Im a bad mum but I spent years of my life with a spinal curveture which really affected my confidence as a teen. When I was 18 I had corrective surgery to my spine and had to spend 6 months in a boby brace, making me feel very self consious. Finaly my back was straight, and my rib cage, hips and shoulders were even, but my chest was very lopsided, so at the age of 21 I had breast implants. since then I ave been very happy with my figure and felt great about myself, I have been a size 10 and tall, with a great even figure. And I must admit that that has been the hardest thing for me with regards to this pregnancy, as having my body change in this way. So far my boobs have remained gravity defing and havent gone up much size wise for them to deflate and sag. Im gong to be working hard to get my figure back into shape.I have gained strecthmarks which I have found very depressing, and Im now concerned that breast feeding might make my figure worse? Im 24 and I really dont want to give up on being able to wear the skimpy clothes and nice outfits that I do now, and instead have to hide my figure away in 'supportive' bras and undies and stuff.
Skidoo, thakyou very much for your post! i have been reading your replies and you also seem very down to earth and a lovely woman to chat to. i wish you the best for you and your little one

Rosieroo and kerry, although i am 15 myself, i agree totaly! girls i know my age seem to decide that they want to bottle feed as soon as they see the two pink lines appear! when i ask why they normally say they think its embarrasing, disgusting or that they dont want ugly, saggy boobs! to be honest, i dont care myself, i just want the best for my little girl!

if you are young and have already decided to bottle feed your litttle one, im not trying to offend anyone, but just think, if you meet a guy who is guenuine then he wont care about what your boobs or your body looks like! he will just understand that youv been through childbirth and breastfed! any guy who doesnt understand, hes not worth knowing!!

Best of luck girls xxx
I have been breast feeding Dominic but had a nightmare at the beginning. He would not take my breast in the hospital as I had inverted nips and he was not putting on weight so I was told it was best to bottle feed, which I then did but was really upset as they said he would loose the instinct to breast feed.

Anyway when I got home he still kept using the rooting instinct so I kept trying with my boobs, then one day he took to them and now he only has about one bottle every day or so and is putting on weight - I am well chuffed. Breast feeding is an art though, I got a cracked nipple with all the practising but once we got over that, everything is going well. It sure hurts when my boobs are ready for feeding though, they weight a ton and go rock hard!

Good luck to all you breast feeding girlies, it's worth a try and is so rewarding if you can do it, but don't beat yourself up if you can't or it doesn't work for you.


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