Had to endure A&E. No epau on Saturday. Triage only after 16wk.
No signs of infection in blood or urine. Only some brief dark brown stuff when wiping now. Stress and upset stomach not helping though.
Epau will call me in the morning for scan either tomorrow or Monday.
Had more trouble with them putting a cannula in to take bloods so it was in situ in case it was needed later. But it was sited a bit too far up my rather small hand and the end was sitting on my wrist bone and after two hours my hand had swollen and I couldn't take off my wedding rings. Charge nurse removed it for me as he wasn't happy with it.
Think bump is growing lots tbh. And I keep thinking I can feel tiny movements.
Kerryjo- I'm in the same boat as you, got my scan Wednesday afternoon, but lost lots of my symptoms somewhere between 8 & 9 weeks so completely terrified! I've been having almost nightly nightmares about it to, which doesn't help... My OH is being very reassuring, he did some research & apparently only 1% have MMCs. I think we just need to try not to worry and keep our fingers crossed. I'm doing lots of baking to distract myself!I hope Thursday goes ok for you. It feels like so long but it'll be here quickly! xx
Will have scan Wednesday morning as only had my 12wk scan Justy over a week ago.
Residual brown stuff when I wipe and no other issues. Just feel tired and rough. Bump is having a growth spurt in time with DS1 apparently. He's suddenly huge overnight as well.
Got a proper little mini movement when DH accelerated onto the M25 earlier as well.