*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Hi ladies! Nice bumps, Cossie and loula! Did you tell all of your friends, family or does anyone just notice the bump and ask? I haven't yet told many people... Only my closest friends and family. Noone would notice though looking at me, as no bump yet, I am only 13weeks. Looking forwards to my bump growing though! :) it's so exciting!

How is everyone feeling?
I've told family and a selection of friends. We haven't announced on Facebook yet. No-one at the school has asked me yet they must think I've just put on weight haha. I'm not overly fussed about telling the world.
I'm feeling much better although I did throw my breakfast up. Always seems to be dairy that makes me feel nauseous. I'm still quite tired but also have a cold.
Just got home from our scan and we have a perfect little baby growing nicely :) I'm a little ahead so I have a new EDD of 20th April. Which also means I'm moving into tri 2 in 2 days! Squeeeeee!!! Hope everyone else who had scans today had good scans. Xx
I'm so excited and nervous for my scan tomorrow and have to wait till 15.50 assuming they are on time. Today is dragging like crazy! Hope those of you still feeling rough start to feel better soon x

Hope all had gone well at your scan x
Just got home from our scan and we have a perfect little baby growing nicely :) I'm a little ahead so I have a new EDD of 20th April. Which also means I'm moving into tri 2 in 2 days! Squeeeeee!!! Hope everyone else who had scans today had good scans. Xx

Yay sooooo exciting glad all was good and well, and happy days that you’ve been moved ahead, my scans tomorrow am proper nervous 🙈
My scan went well too, also measuring slightly ahead so have a new edd of 26th April. Will feel really excited once screening results come bk. Good luck to anyone else who haven't had their scan yet xx
Just got home from our scan and we have a perfect little baby growing nicely :) I'm a little ahead so I have a new EDD of 20th April. Which also means I'm moving into tri 2 in 2 days! Squeeeeee!!! Hope everyone else who had scans today had good scans. Xx

Meg, we are due date buddies!!! My EDD based on my 12 week scan is also 20th April! How exciting. Glad all went well xx
Just got home from our scan and we have a perfect little baby growing nicely :) I'm a little ahead so I have a new EDD of 20th April. Which also means I'm moving into tri 2 in 2 days! Squeeeeee!!! Hope everyone else who had scans today had good scans. Xx

Meg, we are due date buddies!!! My EDD based on my 12 week scan is also 20th April! How exciting. Glad all went well xx

Hi Muffinski,

So excited we're EDD buddies :). I was so worried before today, so think I'll sleep well tonight!! :nap: . How are you doing? How is everything going?

You ok muffinski? How u feeling about tomorrow x

You are so sweet Loula. Thanks for remembering. I feel ok about tomorrow, it's the results I'm going to be anxious about. Happily I'm away for a 3 day weekend from Friday night to Monday night, so that will provide a much needed distraction.
Just got home from our scan and we have a perfect little baby growing nicely :) I'm a little ahead so I have a new EDD of 20th April. Which also means I'm moving into tri 2 in 2 days! Squeeeeee!!! Hope everyone else who had scans today had good scans. Xx

Meg, we are due date buddies!!! My EDD based on my 12 week scan is also 20th April! How exciting. Glad all went well xx

Hi Muffinski,

So excited we're EDD buddies :). I was so worried before today, so think I'll sleep well tonight!! :nap: . How are you doing? How is everything going?


That's great!! It's so good to see baby on the scan and be able to see the heartbeat, isn't it. I'm ok, I've been worried since Friday as they called me with the results of my blood test and scan measurements and I'm in the high risk category for Downs Syndrome. Having said that, the risk is only 1:131 (they class anything more than 1:150 as high risk). But it's been stressful deciding what to do next. They offered me amnio but I'm terrified of a needle into the stomach, and also it has a 1% risk of miscarriage. So tomorrow I'm having the Harmony Test (blood test that gets sent off to America). Have to pay for it privately but I've decided it's worth it. It will take 1-2 weeks to get results back. Choosing to think positively in the meantime. Xx
Hi muffinski,

Sorry to hear you've been going through that. It must be worrying. It sounds like you're making a sensible decision with the harmony test, I definitely understand why you wouldn't want the amino test. I hope tomorrow goes ok for you & the waits not too long. Are you finding out the sex to? Good luck!!

Hi muffinski,

Sorry to hear you've been going through that. It must be worrying. It sounds like you're making a sensible decision with the harmony test, I definitely understand why you wouldn't want the amino test. I hope tomorrow goes ok for you & the waits not too long. Are you finding out the sex to? Good luck!!


Thanks Meg. Yes, we will find out gender as well, it's too tempting not to! I just can't wait to hopefully have the all clear with the results and be able to finally relax and be happy.
Just think you get to see your baby again today and it will be longer then the 5 mins you get at the hospital.
Today will be fine it's the wait that is tense. Thinking of you x
Just think you get to see your baby again today and it will be longer then the 5 mins you get at the hospital.
Today will be fine it's the wait that is tense. Thinking of you x

Thanks Loula xxx
Good luck today muffinski, I hope it all goes well :).

Good luck to everyone else having scans today to!

Good luck for today muffinski!

Can’t believe in just a couple of weeks we will all be over in tri 2! :D it’s super exciting! I’m looking forward to our gender scan on Monday and then for me I can breath a sigh of relief if we can get to v-day :) !
Good luck muffin,hope the scan goes well. Exciting we will know another gender soon! I cant wait to find out! Xx

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