*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Yes thanksyou I updated in tri 2. Had a beautiful scan, baby was very active haha x
Glad scan went well loula. I'm gutted I got it in my head my scan was today but it's tomorrow,feel like I've been waiting forever! Had a horrid night last night too,woke about 3 in agony with my back and throwing up,couldn't get back to sleep til 5 so shattered! Hope everyone else is OK xx
Morning ladies. Most of you seem to have been for your scans now ���� Or are due very soon. Mine isn’t until the 16th ( next Monday ). I am still feeling dreadful. Throwing whole meals up at times. I know I have lost weight which isn’t good. I am trying to eat as best I can but really struggling as food doesn’t taste how it normally does. Been off work for 2 weeks and back tomorrow, dreading it!

This is my second and definitely
not having anymore. I really don’t enjoy being pregnant, I am vile, Constantly nagging my husband. It’s getting us both down. I just feel bad all the time and any little thing is getting to me.

I am also anxious about how my lb is going to react to the new baby. He will be nearly 3 when the baby arrives. He is a good boy but he has his moments. He is a real mummies boy so I worry he will struggle with not getting all my attention. Has anyone got any suggestions to try and introduce the baby to older siblings?
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Aww sorry you're so sick wishing,hopefully will ease as we get to second trimester. Don't worry too much about weight-loss,I was always told your body feeds baby first so even if you're not getting much baby will be getting something. I've lost a stone so far this time but lost loads last pregnancy. I weighed less at 9 months pregnant than I did at my booking appointment lol.

My dd will be 2.1/2 when baby comes. She's already learnt to entertain herself a bit more from me being so sick which is a big step forward as she always needed constant attention before. I'm getting her a doll and accessories like a bath and high chair crib etc for Christmas so she'll hopefully like to copy and look after her baby while I'm looking after baby. I think you never know how it'll go my nephew was 3 when his brother was born and they've had no bother at all with him,he's just besotted with his brother no jealousy at all! Xx
Morning ladies. Most of you seem to have been for your scans now ���� Or are due very soon. Mine isn’t until the 16th ( next Monday ). I am still feeling dreadful. Throwing whole meals up at times. I know I have lost weight which isn’t good. I am trying to eat as best I can but really struggling as food doesn’t taste how it normally does. Been off work for 2 weeks and back tomorrow, dreading it!

This is my second and definitely
not having anymore. I really don’t enjoy being pregnant, I am vile, Constantly nagging my husband. It’s getting us both down. I just feel bad all the time and any little thing is getting to me.

I am also anxious about how my lb is going to react to the new baby. He will be nearly 3 when the baby arrives. He is a good boy but he has his moments. He is a real mummies boy so I worry he will struggle with not getting all my attention. Has anyone got any suggestions to try and introduce the baby to older siblings?

My scan isn’t untIl next Thursday and I’m so desperate to just know everything is ok, constantly worrying as my symptoms have eased significantly x
My DS will be 3 pretty much exactly when this one arrives. I’ve already got him helping out with thing like getting the things he needs for a nappy change ready and he’s already asking if he can do it for his brother or sister too. I think the important thing is to make them feel involved in changing, feeding (if bottle feeding), helping get them dressed etc

Hope everyone is doing ok. I’ve had a migraine for 2 days now but managed to bag an appt at the drs for this afternoon so will be asking about the period type cramps I’ve been having too
This tiredness is ridiculous and I just feel like I have zero energy, look ghostly white and like I've got 2 black eyes...looking forward to this so called pregnancy glow making an appearance!

I will be in the same situation as Cossie, A will be 3 on the 11th and this one is technically due on the 30th but all going well will be arriving around 38-39 weeks. I'm still a bit anxious about another arrival, he loves babies and when i was at my cousins baby shower he said he wanted a baby. It will be interesting to see how he is when her twins arrive in 6 weeks time.

My scan is on Tues, starting to get anxious about that too, its been a long 8 weeks! I've got a clinic appointment first thing then my scan isn't until the afternoon, hoping they'll maybe have a cancelation or can squeeze me in.

How did your appt go today Cossie? What did they tell you about period like cramps? I have period like cramps too and I wonder what they are. Having my 12 w scan next week, worrying about it so much! x

Wishing84, I think we are close in our due dates and our scans are close too - mine is on the 17th. I have lost 10% of my weight and feel nauseous and throwing up too. I do have hope that the sickness will be easing off once I enter 2nd trimester. As for throwing up - I have noticed that eating in bed/ eating and then going to bed for a while helps to keep it down. Have you tried it? I have also tried the sea bands, which for some reason made my sickness so much worse, I was considering going to hospital! x
I'm one of those annoying ones that went from 54kg pre pregnancy to 55.5kg at 12 weeks 5 days.
Thankfully my sickness is subsiding it's there but not as bad.
The cramps will be everything stretching and getting bigger. Baby starts to get bigger by 1-2 cm each week. I don't think a painless pregnancy exists but I am becoming more resilient to them.
We will have a nearly 6 year age gap lets just say we are just not talking about it at the moment haha x
Cossie, I hope your migraine has improved? Good luck for your appt today! Mines also today, at 9:40.
Ooh, good luck Mrs Cookie, hope all goes well, I will check this afternoon for your update.

Mine went great, everything looks normal, could see heartbeat - all good! I have a revised due date of 20th April, so I'm a few days further along than first thought.

Feel so happy.
Awwww great. I've always gained a few days on 12 week scan yet lost 1 day according to my private scan. Baby will come when they want to haha x
Migraine is loads better today guys. Is was prescribed anti nausea meds but can’t take anything other than paracetamol for the pain. Was just advised to take it easy, which I have done.

As for the cramps, she had a feel of my tummy and said that my womb felt soft which is good because it means it’s not contracting. She also said if a woman miscarries after 12 weeks she tends to do so in style (her words). Basically the pain would be so unbearable you wouldn’t be able to move and the bleeding would be horrific. As I’ve had no blood it’s likely to just be stretching. It could also be pain from constipation :lol:

Ooo yay Muffinski! I’ll update the front page with your new date! :D good luck for yours Mrs cookie! :D
Hi Everyone, I hope you've had a good 3 weeks. We got home on Sunday and straight back into work on Monday, ended up doing 11 hours without a break! Definitely need another holiday soon! Camping was a lot of fun, I was really tired but had little naps and that helped. Did realise there is no quiet way to unzip a tent for the inevitable 1am and 4am toilet trips :).

So pleased to hear everyone's scans are going well. Good luck with yours later cossie. Sorry to hear you've been suffering with migraines. I get them all the time as well and nothing touches them, but a friend told me to take 2 paracetamol with a can of coke. I was a little nervous because I don't have any caffeine in my diet and i really don't like coke, but as I was drinking it I felt better and better and within about an hour I was feeling almost back to normal. I'd recommend it!

I haven't looked over in tri 2 yet I'm worried about jinxing it - I've been having lots of nightmares about my scan which I'm hoping are just down to nerves. Got it next Wednesday afternoon, that was the earliest they could squeeze me in, but think I'll be somewhere between 13 and 14 weeks.

studies have proved that caffeine is very good for migraine relief. Swore by a can of coke as a teenager myself.

Other help is magnesium lotion. On the neck. I found it very good on bump for relief during contractions last time as well. It helps muscle recovery. Got mine in Holland and Barrett.
Ooh, good luck Mrs Cookie, hope all goes well, I will check this afternoon for your update.

Mine went great, everything looks normal, could see heartbeat - all good! I have a revised due date of 20th April, so I'm a few days further along than first thought.

Feel so happy.

So lovely that you had a good scan and that your due date has made you further along, I remember with my first we thought July 6th roughly as our due date, first scan put us back to july 25th, so they the scanned a couple of weeks later and out it forward to the 21st July and our private scan at 28 weeks estimated the 9th July lol, ended up being induced anyway and having him July 4th and he was born a perfect 8lbs 9oz and the Drs and midwives all said there was no way he was early at all and that it was more likely he was on time, don’t know how they can get dating so messed up lol, but earlier than later means you at least should get to meet baby sooner :)
Awww so glad scan went well muffin! Just back from mine which was fab,one very active baby! Measuring slightly ahead so 17th April for me now.

What a nightmare for you kerryjo! Crazy how wrong they can be! Hopefully this time will be more accurate for you X


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