*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Well I have a feeling it’s a boy but with DS I always thought he was a girl! So who knows! :lol:

Ooo yay CD! :D
News just out today, that Kate Middleton's baby is due in April! We are in good company ladies!!
Have u seen her tiny bump. I look massive compared to that x
Hi ladies, had a scan today as well and all is good. I am so relieved! They have put me several days forward, now my edd is April 24.

Congrats CD! Nice to hear you had a good scan!

Loula and Muffinski, my tummy looks so flat (one of the reasons why I wasn't sure what news to expect at my scan today!) But all is good and it's a relief. Xx
Congrats Happy!

I remember with A I barely had a bump until about 18 weeks, feel massive this time.

Kate was pregnant with Charlotte last time we were here Cossie wasn't she? Cant remember if anyone had their baby the same day though. Wonder if that will happen this time.

Great news happy, Aimee I hope you scan goes well later :)

My mum told me yesterday about lates baby being due in April! The list of popular girls names for her are Elizabeth, Alice and Victoria...... guess what name we always wanted for a girl - Alice! And at the moment it’s the bookies favourite at 8/1 :wall2: I really didn’t want a name that was too common, in my 13 years working in childcare I’ve never looked after an Alice! It’s also my great mamas name (if my son had been born a girl his name would have been Alice Joan rose Whelan) after my great Nan and 2 nans (all of which I was very close to) now I’m like if Kate calls her baby Alice! Every tom dick and Harry will start picking that name 😂😂 and then the other thing boys names! Top of my list is Arthur, mainly because I look after an Arthur at work and he’s melted my heart so much that I fell in love with the name, but guess what top boy choice name is for the new prince, Arthur :wall2: looks like I may have to have a total rethink over names lol!

Also is anyone struggling to sleep! Every night I’m shattered and asleep just before, however every night I then wake up between 12 & 1am and cannot for the life’s of me get back to sleep until gone half 3! Last night o finally got back off around 5:30 and my alarm goes off at 6:30am :eh: driving me bonkers

Now lastly lol sorry for the long post, but does anyone know about anemia I’m pregnancy, I’m like forever aneamic, honestly with my pcos I’d often have periods that would last 3 months and I’d bleed so heavily that even being on 2 lots of tablets to slow or stop the bleeding wouldn’t work! Was a nightmare but this caused anemia all the time, I was borderline blood transfusions, now before falling pregnant my periods had really settled and were kind of more predicatable and not as heavy so I was guessing because I wasn’t loosing excessive blood I’d be fine and no longer anemaic, however when I went in with the suspected eptopic pregnancy the bloods they took showed that I again have anemia another reason why they thought it was eptopic as I could have been loosing blood internally! But fortunately no such issues, was put on furrous sulphate (think that’s what they were called) to hopefully help with the anemia, now I’ve got loads more blood test forms to go get checked again because they still think there’s an issue :eh: so now I’m worried! How can I have anemia when I’m not loosing blood seems like I can’t get rid of it! I’m talking 2 years now it’s been on going, but now because I’m pregannt I’m obvisoily more worried especially the amount of bloods I’m needing To the drawn!
we are lucky we can't have the name Alice as that's our nieces name and she's nearly 2 but we are struggling for a name already. we both dislike each others suggestions.
I don't know much about Anaemia in pregnancy but it could be to do with the baby getting all the nutrients. If your blood results come back low you normally get put on iron tablets I did last time after then28 week bloods and eat lots of iron rich foods. Your midwife should go through it all with you or your GP.
I have a quick question... is the 12 week scan internal or external? For the screening as well? X
External it should say on your letter how much you need to drink before hand. I think mine was a litre an hour before your appointment and no seeing x
Brilliant, thanks loula. I thought it was external but for some reason my oh said internal. Nice bump by the way! X
What a lovely neat bump Loula! I’ll try and take a picture of mine later and I’ll try and dig out my 16 week bump from DS too as the bumps are totally different! Bump this time around is already round and looks more like my 24 week bump!
I looked like this at 20 weeks last time so I'm about 4 weeks bigger.
So posting a photo from my phone has turned it to be the hardest thing I’ve done :roll: so this is going to have to be done in like 3-4 different posts :lol: so apologies for that!

But here is 15 week bump taken today -

(Ok so maybe 5 posts!) I feel rounder already than I was at this point and I think I do look a lot bigger already too!

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