*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Fantastic news from everyone! Cossie, so glad your migraine is better now.

Meg! I've been missing you. Forgot that you were away for 3 weeks. Glad to have you back.

KerryJo, what a mess up with the dates! I guess in the end babies will just come when they're ready.

Mrs Cookie, yay!! Glad yours went well too!
Awww thanks Muffinski!! Have you had your 12 week scan now? It must be so lovely having progression photos! Are they going to keep scanning you beyond 12 week? X
Just waiting at GP for my flu jab. Feel a bit anxious as after I miscarried in 2013 I had one as I was working in a hospital and I had all sorts of health issues afterwards.

This should be different strains though and from the sound of it, this season the one they're anticipating is pretty rough.

Been really hungry the last few days. With DS I couldn't touch a McDs breakfast until I got past 16wks (After eating one every Friday morning for about two years beforehand!) This time I'm wanting one most mornings!! Body and baby obviously need the protein.
Just waiting at GP for my flu jab. Feel a bit anxious as after I miscarried in 2013 I had one as I was working in a hospital and I had all sorts of health issues afterwards.

This should be different strains though and from the sound of it, this season the one they're anticipating is pretty rough.

Been really hungry the last few days. With DS I couldn't touch a McDs breakfast until I got past 16wks (After eating one every Friday morning for about two years beforehand!) This time I'm wanting one most mornings!! Body and baby obviously need the protein.

I need to book in for mine but I've spent the first half of this week with a 3 day migraine and then this morning I've woken up with a cold!

I've been the same Lander! With DS I had morning sickness til 24 weeks and couldn't touch anything other than orange juice ice lollies! This time, the nausea has settled much earlier, and I've been eating for England! I'm hoping that the difference in pregnancies indicate this is a girl :lol:

My cramps are still there, and I'm concerned about them but not as much as I was before I saw the doctor. I'm also getting really weird twitches quite low down too and I'm wondering if I could be feeling baby move? I know people say you're more 'in tune' with your 2nd and that bump appears quicker and you feel movements sooner but I can't help but think it's too early - but what else could it be?? :D
Personally I am opting out of the flu jab.
I've felt lots of fkutters and I'm pretty sure it's not wind.
Today I fancy chip shop chips for lunch but do I give in haha. I still feel pretty sick after meals x
Personally I am opting out of the flu jab.
I've felt lots of fkutters and I'm pretty sure it's not wind.
Today I fancy chip shop chips for lunch but do I give in haha. I still feel pretty sick after meals x

I had it with DS as well as the whooping cough jab, I'll be doing the same this time purely because they're offered to pregnant women free!

I'm glad it's not just me! It's a strange feeling this early on and part of me doesn't quite want to believe it's baby but I would just love it if it is!

Haha I'd give in! I still get nauseous after eating too so I always try and make sure I've eaten something that makes the nausea worth while :lol:
My nausa has stepped up past few days I even wake in the night to throw up now its horrendous! Really hoping it started to ease off the next couple weeks! Aldo have really bad back pain but my bump has massively expanded over past few days so guess thats to blame! At the scan the sonographer said there was lots of fluid around baby which meant s/he'd started swallowing which is crazy to think when theyre so tiny!

I've also felt flutters the past week and seeing how active baby is I'm not surprised they were booting away! I have to lay still and concentrate but then I can pick up the odd movement. I know its early but it deffo feels like it is!

Hope the jabs go well lander,flu hasnt been mentioned to me yet butaybe midwife will tell me to get it at next appointment. Got it last time round with no issues so will be again xx
Right I need a rant, don’t know if it’s me ranting over nothing or what, but we told immediate family only about the pregnancy, as in my mum Dad and brother, and my partners mum, brothers and sisters, we told them that the news isn’t to be shared because it could cause major issues with my job if work finds out (I will have to go out of the crèche which I enjoy and onto front desk or sales sooner which I really don’t want to do at all) so we told them that no news would be shared with anyone besides themselves until 5 months! However my partners mother has decided to spread the news! My mums had a mutual friend of hers and my partners mums come up to her today and congratulate her because she’s going to be a Nan for the 2nd time! I’m fuming! For starters it’s not his mums news to share, secondly she knows it can effect my work! And third she knows we are not quite at the 12 week mark yet!! I’m about to loose the plot, am so pissed off? Am I over reacting? Or would any of you feel the same, I want to rip into her so bad! I’ll be ringing her later to let her know my thoughts and to let her know that from now on she will be the last to know anything in regards to our family rather than one of the first, because she can’t be trusted!!!
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Oh Kerry what a nightmare! She is probably just too excited and hasn't thought about consequences but I know that doesn't help. I would def explain she mustn't tell anyone else incase it gets back to your work,she really shouldn't share your news when youre not ready but I don't think they can help it sometimes! We've only told direct family so far yet when we visited dh gran she asked how I was and I said not feeling well and she said just like Kate Middleton so his mam had obviously told her. Its probably just excitement but give her a reminder and hopefully shell listen this time and keep quiet til you're ready xx
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Not particularly pleasant Kerryjo :( perhaps she just got caught up in the moment but just have words again and see how you go!
Jab was fine. Arm slightly sore but I asked for it in my right arm as I hold DS with my left arm more and sleep on that side and wanted to avoid discomfort!

I'm also hoping different pregnancy means girl but not going to get my hopes too high in case it's not. Just happy with a healthy baby obviously.
I really don't know what gender this baby is,with DD I had a "feeling" straight away she was a girl. This time nothing. I've had the same sickness as last time round but then other things have been different like my hair/nails growing super fast and waking in the night. I think I'd slightly prefer another girly but hubs would slightly prefer a boy so guess its a win win. Obviously we'll both be happy either way but if I had to pick a preference I would pick girl,I just think would be lovely having sisters xx
so im on a half night shift to ease me back after 3 weeks off work and the site team came rounnd with her flu jab trolley haha. You are never safe in this place x
So I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and have felt dreadful yesterday and today. Either return of morning sickness or a bug. Doesn't help that my dd1 is also under the weather. Just want to feel better now :-(
Hi ladies. I've had my NHS dating scan today. I'm 13 weeks and 2 days so my new due date is 18th April 😊
Was so anxious before the scan and have been quite poorly so was tearful and thinking the worst. But it was absolutely perfect, stretching itself out, clapping its hands. We got to hear it's heartbeat and see it's little tiny toes. Just amazing. Hope everyone is doing okay. Lots of love x


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Have had a small bleed overnight. No pain or clots the shock of seeing it made me feel sick and faint.

Have had tiny bits of spotting all through this pregnancy. Never had anything like this with DS.

Hoping it's just bump growing and stretching my section scar. Considering going to MDU later but for now it's stopped.
Hope your ok lander. Maybe try calling your midwife to get checked out. It'll put your mind at rest x

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