*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I'm on 4 so far. I have no idea what I am achieving. Would the test show if anything was wrong
I don't know. I've now done 6 - two of which were today. The line on the one I did all of half an hour ago was a lot fainter than the others :confused: I'm sure it's nothing but I never had that with my first. They were all really strong up until about 10 weeks when they started to fade. I was told that's because HCG levels start to drop or something? I'm not 100% on the facts but apparently that's normal. Not sure if this is? I hope I'm just reading too much into it!
I've done 10 since Monday morning and I'm still tempted to do more ��
10 weeks sounds right as the placenta then starts to take over x
Yep ive heard the hcg reduces too so good to avoid poas after that point :poas:
With DS, in the first 7 days I had done almost one every hour just to be sure! I spent soooooo much money!

I think I'm going to keep testing every so often (even though I know I shouldn't) as it'll drive me insane not knowing otherwise
I feel like it's really quiet in here! Did we just find out ridiculously early?? I'm sure as August disappears we will have more mummies to be to add to our little group of 5, I just felt like the group from my first pregnancy was already bursting by the time I joined!! :)
I know we found out early too. Does feel like a small group and i reckon youre right, more mummies will join as august comes and goes. People might be waiting till wkd to test?
I think you're right Melly. People might not want to find out during the week etc. I'm pretty sure anyone who finds out during August will be an April mummy :) and to be fair I'm just guessing my due date as I don't actually know my cycle length! I think my cycle length is something ridiculous like 50 days but if it's actually 28 days and my body somehow skips a bleed or something then I'm actually 2 weeks further ahead in my pregnancy than I originally thought!

Thats confusing! Hopefully when you have booking appt you can find out? They dont do dating scans anymore. Im unfortunately very regular and have short cycles of 25 days and only bleed for 2-3! On the plus side i can work out when due. I only tested to rule it out! I can imagine some women might wait until a few days after their missed period to make sure, esp if cycle not regular. I dont think i xan wait a few weeks before anything happens lile booking appt or scan! Would be nice to have contact with services earlier to help us feel its more real!
It's very confusing! Here's a picture of my tracking app and my last 6 cycles and how long they lasted - the shortest was 25 days and the longest was 103 days! I'm so irregular but when I do bleed it's for at least a week, it's a really heavy flow and the pain gives labour a run for its money!


I'm sure the 12 week scan is classed as the dating scan now. They only do scans earlier if there are any issues after 6-8 weeks. I think a scan at 6 weeks would be good (or possibly 8) as there would be a heartbeat to see so therefore would be able to feel a bit more viable!
With these symptoms I'm glad I found out when I did. I don't feel normal lol.
I'm a little in limbo it's been 6 weeks since last period so am I 6 weeks or am I like one of the apps says 4+5. I have 37 day cycles. The midwife that rang just asked for the date of my last period
When i had my other 2 we had daying scans around 8-10 weeks but cut backs have seen the back of them! Sometimes at booking appt they listen to heart beat if i remember correctly? But might be too early to hear. Think im 4 weeks 5 days according to a tracker and going on last period.
I believe midwives go by the first day of your last period so you would be 6 weeks according to that but if I went by that I would be about 6 weeks gone but based on my cycle length I'm 4 weeks. It's so confusing! I don't remember them listening to heartbeat at 8 weeks. It was at least 16 weeks before they did that!

It was 10 years ago so probably forgotton! :lol: 1st day of last period was 6th july and lasted 3 days (average 25 day cycle) and most appt say 4 + 5. I agree it is very confusing!
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With these symptoms I'm glad I found out when I did. I don't feel normal lol.
I'm a little in limbo it's been 6 weeks since last period so am I 6 weeks or am I like one of the apps says 4+5. I have 37 day cycles. The midwife that rang just asked for the date of my last period

Yes i reckon youre 6 weeks as they do go by day of last period. Have you tried the nhs pregnancy due date calculator as thats fairly accurate.
Yeah that says I'm 4+5 because it asks for adjusted cycle so I put in 37 and it comes up with 4 weeks which makes sense as the digi says 1 to 2 if I was 6 weeks of have got a 3+.
Hopefully I'll get scanned as if I'm 6 weeks and if I need to go back a week or 2 later I can x
I hate the dating system because it's so confusing! Scans are so much more accurate! It's a shame they ditched the early dating scans. I mean I appreciate it's expensive but still!
Lets hope with the cut backs we dont have to deliver our own babies!

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