*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Ive changed your date too melly as I had you down for the 10th :) bobs once people have had heir scans and know what date they're officially due I can update!

Ive changed your date too melly as I had you down for the 10th :) bobs once people have had heir scans and know what date they're officially due I can update!

Thanks cossie. One tracker said 10th so put 10th to start with but since then most trackers say 9th! Good idea changing after scans. I suspect they might be a few changes!
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I've decided not to tell anyone an exact date. So far I'm saying end of March beginning of April and will probably say the same after my scan. My first came a whole week early x
My 1st came 2 weeks early but 2nd was bang on due date!
I suspect so too Melly!

I'll probably do the same as you this time around Loula, all I remember from last time as I hit 40 weeks is "have you had him yet?" :roll:

How did it go telling the in laws?
Oh of course Loula...forgot you were telling in laws (baby brain!)....how did it go?
Yep....its has come in useful a couple of times already! :lol:
They are over the moon as expected. His mum was like OH definitely no wedding next year then I was like I think if it's up to your son we won't ever get married haha. By the way we are not even engaged.
We bumped into his brother and sister in law last night and they took it really well too. That's all the people told now until after the scan. OH is telling his boss at work just incase he needs time off at a short notice. X
Sounds like it went really well! Makes it feel more real. I would love to tell someone but im classed as high risk being 42 so DH doesnt want anyone to know till after scan and screening tests. The stats are staggering once you are over 35 and more so after 40! Why cant i be a few years younger! Urgghhh!
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I'm so glad it went well Loula! We are talking about telling our parents. We did with DS so the thinking is why wouldn't we with this one too? Not sure whether to tell now or in a couple of weeks when we are a bit further along though. I'm also considering telling work as I'll need time for appointments and I'm in a stressful and highly demanding job. I'll make a proper decision over the next couple of weeks I think

The thing is I think it'll all be changing soon anyway as so many women are holding off having children til they are a lot older now - I think I read the other day that a woman aged 65 had a baby!

Blimey....65! That makes me feel really young now haha! At least you dont need to decided anything right now...like you say you could wait couple of weeks. This is still a small group. Was expecting a few new arrivals to the group this wkd....enjoy your evening ladies.
It really shocked me!!

Yeah that's true. Gives me time to get Alex a 'Big Brother' t shirt :lol:

I was expecting that too to be honest, maybe over the next week or so? I noticed a lot of the ladies in TTC weren't getting their BFPs sadly, but there's one lady who has a faint BFP so she might hopefully be joining us soon! :)

Thanks Hun! You too :)

Had a missed call from the community midwife she left a voicemail saying she wants to arrange my booking In. I'm already booked for bloods in 2 weeks apparently yet to receive a letter but I'm going to have to change it all as I'm on holiday. X
Had a missed call from the community midwife she left a voicemail saying she wants to arrange my booking In. I'm already booked for bloods in 2 weeks apparently yet to receive a letter but I'm going to have to change it all as I'm on holiday. X

Thats a bit frustrating. Hope you get it sorted x
It really shocked me!!

Yeah that's true. Gives me time to get Alex a 'Big Brother' t shirt :lol:

I was expecting that too to be honest, maybe over the next week or so? I noticed a lot of the ladies in TTC weren't getting their BFPs sadly, but there's one lady who has a faint BFP so she might hopefully be joining us soon! :)

Thanks Hun! You too :)


Yes i spotted her. Fingers crossed she'll be joining us x
Morning ladies. How is everyone today? I didnt get a great night slerp, had some low abdominal cramps and lower back pain a bit like period pains. Not getting any worse and helping their normal from what ive read! Anyone else had these?
Luckily having no trouble sleeping I'm always tired.
My legs are aching like I've done a work out and some back pain. Done my morning heave and that's been it. Boobs are still sore. I feel like symptoms are less and less or I'm getting used to it x
Yourr probably getting used to it hun. I feel like ive done a work out too! My boobs are still sore too. Really feels like PMS. Having to resist poas though! I think it would stress me out if it wasnt any darker. Even though the 1st batch of tests i did were fairly dark!
I forgot to borrow one from work last night but working on the gynae/epu later in the week so I'll find one there haha.
I think my symptoms come a few hours after getting up as I'm beginning to feel rubbish again. my boobs are sore when not wearing a bra and I can't number 2 either x

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