*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Just been reading messages back and missed your post jward.. that's amazing news for you I have everything crossed that you have a smooth and happy pregnancy xx
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Congrats Jenbob! Of course you can :) welcome aboard! Is this your first?

Thank you! No second.. have a little boy already who turns 2 next week! Xx

Aaaaw that's ace! I've got a little boy too! He turned 2 in April :) he will be turning 3 when this LO is due! The funny thing is I worked out this ones due date to be the same as what DS due date was! Xx

Ah no way what are the chances!! Double birthday parties for the kids then! Haha. There is only 4 days between me and my sister and that's what we had every time lol. Was never aloud my own party lol xx
Ah no way what are the chances!! Double birthday parties for the kids then! Haha. There is only 4 days between me and my sister and that's what we had every time lol. Was never aloud my own party lol xx

I'm thinking probably their own parties but more low key perhaps? Like a BBQ if weathers nice or something like that? I just can't believe there's going to be nothing in it for dates! I'm kinda looking forward to 12 wk scan to see the exact due date lol :')

I will have nearly a 6 year age gap.. about 6 weeks in it I think x
Ah yes that will be nice for them :) will be good they are close in birthdays though too. It's just a year between me and my sister aswell so my mum didn't hang about lol. I turned 1 then 4 days later my sister was born!!

Imagine if it is the same day as your little boys birthday how exciting. There's a good few months between mine now but I wanted a spring baby... my birthday is July then my little boy and husband are in August 4 days apart. So a lot of summer birthdays xx
Thanks Jenbob and congratulations to you too. I'm driving myself crazy though thinking all things possible. ���� For a smooth happy pregnancy xx
Hi Ladies, I have not been on the forum for a while as we had decided to give up so haven't been ttc for several months now. However, I got a BFP :bfp: on first response and clearblue. In total shock as had psychologically moved on. I have two other children 12, 10 and I am 42 so feeling quite worried about the first few weeks. I have a GP apt today. By my calculations I am 4 weeks and due 10th April. Congratulations to everyone that had the BFP this month.
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Hi Ladies, I have not been on the forum for a while as we had decided to give up so haven't been ttc for several months now. However, I got a BFP :bfp: on first response and clearblue. In total shock as had psychologically moved on. I have two other children 12, 10 and I am 42 so feeling quite worried about the first few weeks. I have a GP apt today. By my calculations I am 4 weeks and due 10th April. Congratulations to everyone that had the BFP this month.

Congratulations Hun! That's fantastic news! :)

Thanks! Got date already for booking appt which is on 12/9 and for initial scan....2/10 seems ages away but probably go fast! Anyone else got dates for booking appt or scan? Just wondering whether its because im classed as "high risk" due to being 42. GP said im fit and healthy for 42 so she was optimistic!
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Congratulations to all the April mummies. I can't believe we're there already!

Melly lovely to see you back with your bfp, congratulations. I got my booking appointment and scan straight away too, I think it's just the new system in most parts of Scotland! Xx
I've just had a call from the midwife and have my first appointment 17th August xx
Thanks and thats reassuring MrsS15. We only moved up 3 years ago and my two children were born in Bristol so it was very different hence me thinking because I was older! How are you feeling? And when is your DD? X

Jward...wow 17th....not long now x
I've only just called the midwifery unit this afternoon (and got voicemail :roll:) so hopefully they'll call me back and get me an appointment for before we go on holiday on 8th September! It'd be nice to get booked in before we go and then have our scan to look forward to when we come back! :)
I forgot you aren't from here originally. Yeah it's definitely normal, it's the way most areas are doing it now and booking in appointments and first scans etc are all done at the hospital. This wasn't the way when I had my son 9 years ago but this system seems to work well! Once I got my booking appointment at 8 weeks I was told I would be consultant led but up till then everything was the same as the next person!

I'm much better now the sickness has eased. From 5 weeks until 17 was awful! I'm due the 27th of December :) xx
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Oh wow a christmas baby...thats exciting. Glad morning sickness has subsided. Did you have it with your son?
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Yip, I'm so excited to meet this little one. Going to be the best Xmas! Nope never had sickness with my son, these pregnancies have been polar opposite from each other xx
I didnt have morning sickness with either of my two so wondering if I will get it this time around. Have you had your 20 week scan yet? I was told scans and booking appt at the main hospital! Think I preferred it when it was based in the community! That is such wonderful news though and yes you will have a lovely christmas x
I emailed the local maternity direct tuesday they called me back yesterdayand will refer me on to the community midwife. waiting to hear from the community midwife but I think I'll just get letters through the post with bloods to be done at 8-10 weeks, booking in and scan appointment.

what symptoms have people got? I'm freaking out a little that something will go wrong x

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