*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I'm still waiting for a phone call from the maternity unit. I'm thinking of calling again on Monday but I don't want it to feel like I'm pestering!
Huh? (Sorry, having a blonde moment! Or it might be baby brain :lol:)
2nd baby Labour's are apparently quicker.
We're off to tell the in laws. I am so nervous
Oh! Yeah I think I'd heard that somewhere! That makes me very happy as I spent 3 days in labour with DS! Slow labour from Saturday night through to Tuesday morning and then after pethadine and rest v.quickly progressed and had him via emergency c section at 8:30pm! So if it's quicker than that I'll be happy!

Good luck Hun, let us know how it goes :hugs:
My 2nd was quicker and i didnt have to stay overnight either. Went in 2am, born 7.15am and discharged home 11.00!
Oh that would be nice! Might not have to deal with the bloody bounty woman then!
I didn't but I was still delirious from my c section. I told her that OH was a photographer and she came back with some bull about photos needing to be taken for security purposes! If I'd have been more 'with it' I'd have told her where to go!
Cheeky cow! Really annoying being pestered like that!
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I know, I felt really violated afterwards. I hate that they're allowed to do this to new mothers - as if we're not vulnerable enough!

I've been doing some remembering today lol and I think I'm a week further along than stated as my cycle is very similar to that when I fell pregnant with DS and when I had my 12 wk dating scan they said I was a week further along - so I'm wondering if this is going to be the same...?
Im not surprised you felt that way!....thats awful! It sounds very likely. Thats nice you might be a week further along. When would your due date be if thats the case?
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Wow! What a coincidence! At least you can have joint birthday parties!
That's what OH said! We'll have to wait and see! Either way they'll have birthdays within a couple of weeks of each other at most! :lol:
Oh my god girls, the nausea has hit bad this morning :( I had kind of hoped I would get away with it this time but it's here :sick:
Oh no! I hope its short lived and you feel better in a bit. Did you get morning sickness with your 1st? Forgot to aay we share the same due date 9th april x
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Me too :( I did yeah, it was just nausea but I couldn't eat or drink anything it was horrible. It went from about 8 weeks to 24 weeks.

Ooo exciting! :) I need to change my date on the first post :D


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