*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I didn't realise you could email! There's no email address that I can see on our local midwife unit website. I called them this afters and left a message so hopefully they'll sort something and I can get seen around 7 or 8 weeks

I'm getting pangs of queasiness but no sickness. Headaches and already needing the loo more frequently! What about you?

I'm more panicky over something going wrong with this one compared with DS! xx
At the moment i dont have symptoms, other than fuller boobs! Didnt have any symptoms or sickness with previous two so keeping fingers crossed. Im freaking out a little too. Think thats normal though. Amazing how different maternity services are! I'll be 10 weeks when i have booking appt. Would have been nice to have had it earlier but sure it will go quickly!
Lets hope we all have a sick free pregnancy!
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It's the only way we can register interest here without going through the GP or practice nurse.

My boobs are sore which I keep checking, peeing more and having to wear a tena already. I get nausea too in the morning before and after breakfast and after lunch. I was wrenching this morning too. Had the same with my Daughter too. I've also got pelvic cramps and the tops of my legs hurt like before a period a little back pain too and bloating x

My daughter was an accident with a friend with benefits and I ignored the fact I was pregnant until, I was 6 weeks gone so to find out earlier this time is really playing with my mind.
Oh sounds like your going through it at the moment. Hope its short lived. Dreading feeling sick. Hoping as didnt have it before i should be ok but every pregnancy is different. Hope you feel better soon hun x
I've had tender boobs/nipples, tiredness & a little back aches but I seem
To be having the worst trapped wind.. did anyone else have this? X
Surprisingly I don't feel bad with it. I'm more irritable in mood then anything x
Thats good. No trapped wind here but am a little tired this week but have just gone back to work after 3 weeks annual leave......urghhh!
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No trouble with wind here at all x
I've had a little trapped wind. It's not been too bad though. I've just not been feeling right if that makes sense? My whole body isn't quite what it should be! I'm also get small little cramps here and there, I don't remember those with my first but maybe I just didn't notice
Think cramps are normal and it is probably likely you didnt notice them or rememer having them, esp if they were not too bad x
Nah, they're not too bad at all. I reckon, you're right I probably did block any cramps I had out!

Is anyone planning on telling work anytime soon? I work with kids and it can be very full on at times and I wondered whether it might be worth it or whether to wait til around 8 weeks?
Nah....wont tell work till after scan so maybe 12-14 weeks. I think if you work with kids my be best telling them earlier x
I will go by my uniform to see if I'll tell work before 12 weeks. I'm a nursing assistant on the NHS bank so work as and when to fit in with me. a little worried about what money I'll be entitled to.
Last time I didn't tell my employer until I was 14 weeks
Last time I told my employer at around 8-9 weeks as I suffered really bad with nausea that it really affected my day. I think that's what I'm going to have to go by and then I'll be telling my manager when we return from hols as it'll be the new school term and a lot more hectic and then I'll make sure colleagues are aware from 12 weeks unless there's a reason to tell them sooner (not sure what that reason would be!)
So I can add hormonal and emotional to my list of symptoms so far! Just watched Pete's Dragon and sat here sobbing and bawling my eyes out
Lol! I can add weird dreams to my list and boobs are a little tender today. Had a few sharp twinges in left side but hopinf their normal in early pregnancy...anyone else had those?
Yes I had these yesterday and then in the right. It's just the stretching etc x
Thanks loula. How you feeling today? Im still tired but its nice its the wkd now!
Boobs are sorer today, less crampy.
OH came in late and I slept on the sofa coz he still of alcohol so not sure if I'm tired because of that. Woke up at 5am with feeling sick. That has passes. Working tonight and then out with friends tomorrow obviously not drinking how are you x

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