*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Cossie I hope it goes okay tom. What time is your scan? Listen to your heart hun x
Thanks Melly. I'm thinking at the moment, if it's good news I will update by 1ish depending on how long the scan takes and the traffic coming home, but if not good news then you might not hear from me til a bit later on. I just hope my heart is right!

Time to go to bed and try to sleep. Night ladies xx

Did another digi tonight and got 2-3 :D. Less than a week since I got the 1-2 so Happy with that! Just need a 3+ now x


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Thatz great...its reassuring to see the result progressing. x
Good luck Cossie.. got my fingers crossed for you that everything is fine x
We have a tiny baby with a heartbeat! I have never been more relieved in my life! Measuring 6 weeks which is exactly where I thought I was :) my god I'm so happy! I genuinely thought something was wrong. OH is taking me out for a celebratory TGI Fridays :) will post later with exactly what was said and what is causing the cramps. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding xx

Wow! Thats amazing. You must be so relieved! Ive been checking every 5 mins lol! You have given me goosebumps hearing the heartbeat. Hoping to hear that saturday! Enjoy your very well deserved celebratory tgi fridays x
Ahh cossie so exciting and over the moon for you!!! Glad you can relax a bit now,bet it was magical! Enjoy the tgis!! Not long til your turn melly xx
We have a tiny baby with a heartbeat! I have never been more relieved in my life! Measuring 6 weeks which is exactly where I thought I was :) my god I'm so happy! I genuinely thought something was wrong. OH is taking me out for a celebratory TGI Fridays :) will post later with exactly what was said and what is causing the cramps. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding xx

Cossie that's brilliant news!! Congratulations - enjoy the TGI Friday's, sounds like you deserve it x
Ahh cossie so exciting and over the moon for you!!! Glad you can relax a bit now,bet it was magical! Enjoy the tgis!! Not long til your turn melly xx

I know im excited about it now having heard about cossie x
I bet you cant wait,will you get a photo? I think we might book one for first weekend in sept when I'll be 7 weeks if its still half price when hubs gets paid. Bursting to see little bean in there.

Sense of smell is off the charts today and had a few bouts of feeling sick. Nice to know I'm getting symptoms tho hope the sickness stays away x
So now that I'm home ladies, I have some time to be able to give you a bit more info about my scan. I had an internal scan and the lady was lovely. She remained expressionless throughout until she was sure and then she turned the screen around to show us the little blob with a heartbeat :) she also showed us a second sac that only had clotting blood inside it and told us that she thinks it was a potential second pregnancy that had collapsed (our little one could have been 2 little ones!). I'm not sad really because I was only thinking there was one in there anyway. As OH said, how can you be sad about something that you didn't even know was there? And tbh, I'm more relieved that everything is ok with the healthy one!

So basically the cramping is the 2nd pregnancy not continuing. I'm to expect some bleeding as time goes on but am to call back if pain becomes really bad or bleeding is heavy and/or bright red.

I'm excited for you now Melly! I've got an 8 week scan booked for 30th August at 9am (nice and early!) and then my booking appt on 6th September and then when we come back from holiday it'll be our 12 week scan on the 26th. I've got so much to look forward to now! X

Thats great news. Sorry to hear about the 2nd. At least you know what the cramps were. Not long yill your 8 wk scan now either. Didnt you say earlier in this thread about what of you were expecting twins? I wonder if on some unconscious level you might have sensed it. Im so glad it went ok hun x

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