*** April 2018 Mummies ***

If the cramps/pain literally take your breath away etc . Everything is stretching out again. We have to trust out bodies to grow our babies. I was absolutely heartbroken yesterday after being only 5 weeks yet it's over 7 weeks since my period. I think I'd be more worried if I didn't have any of the cramps etc.
We cannot access our epu unless we get a referral from a doctor or midwife.
Not entirely sure but i think ab pain is more belly and below ribs where cramps....arent they usually more located at sides where ovaries might be??? As you say at least no blood and cramps arent worse. At least its tomorrow hun x
If the cramps/pain literally take your breath away etc . Everything is stretching out again. We have to trust out bodies to grow our babies. I was absolutely heartbroken yesterday after being only 5 weeks yet it's over 7 weeks since my period. I think I'd be more worried if I didn't have any of the cramps etc.

Oh loula I thought 5 weeks was about where you were,maybe you had a longer cycle or ovulated later? Hope youre OK today xx
I do have long cycles so maybe that is right. The nhs website reckons I could be 6 weeks so only a week out. I just have to trust that my body will do it's job. The first tri is a worrying time granted x
I totally agree. Its such a worrying time till the 12 week mark/scan. Just hope we can relax then x
I can't believe how slow time is going,hubby keeps saying I'm a week out but no we're not even 5 weeks yet! Just want to get to 12 weeks and then will chill a bit I hope!! Feeling knackered this afternoon! Waiting for Dd to wake up so we can go to the park,fresh air might perk me up!

Has anyone looked at the Chinese gender calender to see what it says their having yet? I just looked and it says girl. It was right with my daughter but I'm sure it's a load of rubbish but still fun to see what it says xx
Oooo no i didnt know that existed. So if i google chinese calender for pregnancy should it come up. Might fo it for a giggle....lts hope it doesnt say elephant or cat.....hopefully wont get the different chinese calenders mixed up!

Im knackered after disturbed night sleep. Heading home soon though so can rest up later x
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I did mine and it was right for DS and it says girl this time around! If everything is ok I hope it's right!!

Just did mine and saying its a girl too! Did you record date of conception as the date you dtd?
Hilarious....i changed date of conception and tried everyday for 2 weeks and it predicted girl every time!
Ooo be interesting to see if it's right,looks like a lot of team pink haha. Mine was just month of conception so can safely say July xx
The one I did asked for my age at time of conception and month of conception!

Me too! Im not going to rush out anytime soon though to buy lots of pink clothes! :lol:
Yeah think I'll need something a bit more concrete before believing it's a girl lol be interesting to see how many are right tho x
I tried Chinese prediction on two different websites, they both asked exactly the same two questions (month of conception and my age). One told me boy and the other told me girl!!
You can safely say that you will have either one of those! Hehe! X
So the cramps have died down this evening. Really wishing I hadn't called the midwife now :| better safe than sorry I suppose!

So the cramps have died down this evening. Really wishing I hadn't called the midwife now :| better safe than sorry I suppose!

Hi Cossie, really glad to hear that! Just went back and read your posts from this morning, I'm sorry things have been scary and anxious! You'll get peace of mind tomorrow when you have your scan xx
So the cramps have died down this evening. Really wishing I hadn't called the midwife now :| better safe than sorry I suppose!

Hi Cossie, really glad to hear that! Just went back and read your posts from this morning, I'm sorry things have been scary and anxious! You'll get peace of mind tomorrow when you have your scan xx

Thanks muffinski. I hope so. My heart says everything is absolutely fine and I'm just being daft but my head is thinking the worst. And at the moment my head is ruling my heart. Time will tell now


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