*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Not at all...i think you have been very patient! Happy 6 weeks today!
Thanks. I genuinely feel like I've been bugging them too much!

Thank you Hun! Happy 6 weeks to you too!! :dance:

I'm 36, this is my second baby - that's all you need to add to front page xx

I've previously lost three pregnancies prior to six weeks though.

Oh and I have an almost eleven year old step son so I appreciate having the older child around as well, he's quite useful actually now lol
Morning girls! Hope everyone slept well? I had a horrible dream last night. I dreamt that i went to the loo and my pad was soaked in blood. It felt so real that even when it woke me up, it took a couple of mins to realise it had been a dream....thankfully. still getting horrible dry mouth overnight despite drinking several pinta of water during the day and at least one overnight! Im at work today......urggghh! How is everyone else?
Morning! Wow Melly I bet that was really unpleasant for you :( at least it was just a dream.

I've got some cramps again, I'm thinking I might ring the community midwives and see what they say. Normally it wouldn't bother me but after I had DS I had PPD and anxiety and I can feel all the anxiety coming flooding back :(

Hope everyone else is having a better morning!

Morning everyone! Sounds like a horrid dream melly,bet it gave you a fright. Hope you can catch the midwives today cossie ,sounds like a chat and some reassurance would help.

Read that link about toddlers,can see most of these happening with my DD,she's a little bruiser and deffo one who knows what she wants so will have to keep our eyes on her haha won't be boring thats for sure!!

I still have this pain on my right side, midwife never rang yesterday, hoping she does today as slept in past 8 so can't get in doctors today now oops! Xx
Just rang the MLU and they put me through to early pregnancy assessment and I got the voicemail saying they don't open til 9 so I guess I just need to wait for a call back now!

My little boy knows what he wants but he's the most placid child I know. I think we'll be absolutely fine but I can't help but worry!

Maybe call her again if she doesn't get back to you mrs cookie? It'll be nice to speak to someone!

Yeah I think ill give it til Friday which will have been a week then ring back. Hope they call you back straight away at 9,the waiting around is rubbish isn't it.
DD has a very caring side so I think shell be really loving but she also has a temper and on many occasion has hit the dogs when she's angry so wouldn't put it past her to hit the baby. Will need eyes in the back of my head lol. I suppose you never know how they'll react til baby is here. I'm prepared for a shit storm so if she's no bother will be a bonus :D xx
So I heard back from early pregnancy assessment. She said I need to call back the MLU and get them to call Telford as they're the only place who can deal with early pregnancy scans in case it's ectopic. I called MLU who said I needed to take another test and call my GP as there's a chance the pregnancy might not be continuing. I rang my GP and they've booked me a scan for tomorrow morning at 11am. I'm literally sat here bawling my eyes out. I didn't think the cramps were too painful but worth asking about and now I kinda wish I hadn't :cry:

And now I'm crying more because I've just opened the post to find our booking appointment and scan dates :cry:

Oh cossie i hope it goes ok tom.you must be so worried. Try and stay positive as you dont want the anxiety to get worse. They might have to say that as a matter of course to everyone that experiences cramps. If the cramps arent getting worse and youre not bleeding surely there's more hope. Keep us posted hun x
Morning everyone! Sounds like a horrid dream melly,bet it gave you a fright. Hope you can catch the midwives today cossie ,sounds like a chat and some reassurance would help.

Read that link about toddlers,can see most of these happening with my DD,she's a little bruiser and deffo one who knows what she wants so will have to keep our eyes on her haha won't be boring thats for sure!!

I still have this pain on my right side, midwife never rang yesterday, hoping she does today as slept in past 8 so can't get in doctors today now oops! Xx

I hope she rings you today so you can get some reassurance. Maybe set your alarm tom! I would love to sleep in if i could! You obviously needed it x
Oh cossie i hope it goes ok tom.you must be so worried. Try and stay positive as you dont want the anxiety to get worse. They might have to say that as a matter of course to everyone that experiences cramps. If the cramps arent getting worse and youre not bleeding surely there's more hope. Keep us posted hun x

Thanks, I'm terrified. The only thing keeping me sane is that there's no bleeding. I have literally spent £20 on tests this morning and will be testing throughout the day just to try and ease the worry! I was supposed to be in work tomorrow morning too, I've had to get someone to cover for me!

Cramps are totally normal I was told as long as they are not excruitiating or o to the abdominal. I was told that Friday night.
Also you can test as much as you want because hcg levels can take ages to get out of your system so they will carry on being positive. Bloods every 48 hours will show if it is rising. I'm sure all is ok. You've had no blood x
What do they class as abdominal then? No blood is the only positive thing on my mind at the moment. I'll find out 11am tomorrow

Oh cossie sending hugs!! I'm suprised they were so blunt on the phone,whenever I went to epu in first pregnancy they were always lovely and reassuring. When I went with last pregnancy they said to expect a bad result but only because preg tests were still faint a week after AF should of come. Everything I've read about cramps is its normal,I def remember having period type pains for first few weeks with DD. Try and stay calm Mrs I know its hard but I'm sure you'll have a scan tomorrow and be reassured all is well xx

Makes me wonder if I should chase up this pain on my right side? The only thing worrying me about it is that its constant and quite strong at times, I had a uti early with DD so half wondering if could be that but wouldn't of thought that would be on just one side? I wish this midwife would ring! X
Morning everyone! Sounds like a horrid dream melly,bet it gave you a fright. Hope you can catch the midwives today cossie ,sounds like a chat and some reassurance would help.

Read that link about toddlers,can see most of these happening with my DD,she's a little bruiser and deffo one who knows what she wants so will have to keep our eyes on her haha won't be boring thats for sure!!

I still have this pain on my right side, midwife never rang yesterday, hoping she does today as slept in past 8 so can't get in doctors today now oops! Xx

I hope she rings you today so you can get some reassurance. Maybe set your alarm tom! I would love to sleep in if i could! You obviously needed it x

I'm really lucky that DD is a lazy bum and rarely gets up before 8 so I usually get to sleep in til then. Must set an alarm tomorrow! Xx

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