Anti D injection - Advice please


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Anyone able to advise me on the anti D injection??

I have an appt for 28 weeks for the injection, I would like to know whether it is going to be too uncomfortable to go back to work the same day. I sit at a desk for 8 hours so don't know whether just to tell them I won't be in...

I have been suffering with coxic bone thinking this extra injection into similar area isn't going to help!!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

I am currently 26 weeks with my little girl...getting excited now!!

Thanks :wave:
You will be fine going back to work. I had mine last week in the top of my leg, it stays a bit tender for the day, but nothing too uncomfortable xxx
I had mine on Thursday in my arm, the MW said it feels like you've been punched but only because of the volume going in, its quite a lot. However, I was totally fine after a couple of minutes :)
I know I'm gonna sound really thick, but does everyone have this and what is it for?
Got my first proper midwife appointment on Tuesday so things might get explained to me then xx
You will only have it if you have a rhesus negative blood type. MW explained what its for, not sure i will be able to explain it very well - if your blood mixes with baby's blood, and baby is rhesus positive, your body will produce antibodies to protect yourself against the foriegn blood, so if your nextbaby is Rh +, your body could attack babies blood cells. The Anti-D erases the memory of the antibodies, so reducing the risk to your next baby. Probably got that completely wrong, but if you have a Rh + blood type, you wont be given it. xxx
I had mine in the top of my bum after mc and it hurt alot! However my doc has said if I have injections at base of my spine/top of my bum they'll hurt worse than anywhere else due to a torn disc. I'm hoping for an arm injection this time round! x x
oh no then i will have it... :( not keen on needles..
I had one at 16 weeks because i had some bleeding and it hurts a little and my bum was a little tender but thats it!

I was expecting the worse as my mum told me it was so so painful and it was like they threw a dart in her bum, she exagerated somewhat LOL
yes u got it right its to produce antibodies incase ur blood mixes with babies as its dangerous i had 2 injections in arm with 1st pregnancy at 28 and 34 wks and was fine, this time around they told me i jus need 1 at 30 wks.

u should be fine going back to work but maybe take a wee half day off and go get lunch or something after to relax you. good luck and dont worry it doesnt hurt and i hate needles. xx
I have Anti E (not as bad as Anti D I hear) but caused blood thickness probs and heavy jaundice in my last two babies.

I had a blood transfusion when I had my MC, and they only managed to get 2 bags of Anti E blood, so they did two bags of plasma I think.not entirely sure as was bit out of it!
But wondered if this means the E levels will be more or the same this time?

Anyone with Anti E?
Hi, I have just found out today that i have to have this injection can they not inject you in your arm???? i have to have this early in the morning after having my 28 week blood test is it worth me taking the day off of work? x
Hi, I have just found out today that i have to have this injection can they not inject you in your arm???? i have to have this early in the morning after having my 28 week blood test is it worth me taking the day off of work? x

It is quite a lot of fluid, so i dont know if they will do your arm, you can ask though. You wont need to take the day off x
after the hospital messed up my wifes bloods they now want to see her as they say she has 'anti m'...... is this the same as what you are all talking about? its very hard to find something about what it is and would rather hear something from some one else who is going through it. It is our first pregnancy after a MC just before christmas, so because of this i am nervous every day and this is just another thing to worry us. any help??
it sounds as though your wife has developed antibodies following a transfusion... this is only a random guess though with the little information you gave... best thing is probably to ask the Dr/MW. Hope this helps :flower:
Oh and :wave: to PF
thank you for quick reply. she tells me she has never had a transfusion, we are alo confused as everything i have read says that if we were different blood groups or she was rh negative then its something to worry about but she is +........ maybe will just have to wait untill we see the dr..... just always seems so far away.
one other thing as i see you have tickers..... where do you put the url code to get them, iv got the code but dont know where to put it lol
^^ I think you need to have a certain number of posts before you can add a ticker... in user CP :)
When do you see the Dr?
not sure yet..... the dr said, over the phone, they will be writting with an appointment. bit annoying as we havent been able to talk to any one about it and have to wait and worry. im hoping its nothing as we have been through so much! fingers crossed.
As far as I could gather from the article M antigens are naturally occuring and can be contracted by virus or illness, I think the worry is if your wife has the antibodies in her blood stream and baby has the antigens in their blood then there is a risk that your wife's blood could destroy the baby this is more likely to happen if she has a bleed or is in an accident that could cause bleeding internally-just as a rhesus negative Womans blood can destroy the baby if baby has positive blood. The injections will stop this from happening x I know it all sounds scary but it's very rare to happen now as doctors know what type of blood a woman has and can give preventative medicine to stop it x

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